Thursday, 11 June 2020

Testing new format.

I'm getting into it, the new format thingy, giving it a go. I had a search through my mounds of collected junk and found a bag of bark pieces. I scrounged them from a wood turner friend years ago. Aha, just the thing for the black arty project. 
They have to be black of course. 

Looking like another rainy day, I'll get on with things indoors. Catch ya later.
Toodle pip.  ilona
PS a few more clicks to make a blog post, I think I will get used to it. 


  1. Adding and enlarging and moving photos is the most annoying bit of the new format I found

    1. Yes, I had to look around for how to enlarge the photo's. I always choose large size for everything, and load them centre on the page. I usually upload them in the order I want them to appear. It sometimes means that I add 2 or 3 at a time, which is a bit long winded but I don't have to jiggle them around to get them in the right order later.

  2. I have been using old bark from an old tree trunk stump in my garden and crumbling it in to my new compost corner made with my old pallets.The stump was from an old tree that was maybe over 100 years old and just dropping to pieces on the stones around it.So I hope it will give it another life!.I do love old wood and I am looking forward to seeing your new art..I am sure that it will look great!.Hope that you have had a lovely day!,xxx

  3. Nice artwork! I've been struggling with new blogger too. Finally got most of it figured last night when working on my latest post. Done!! Cheerio!


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