Sunday, 9 August 2020

Which way. Field or road. Walking in Derbyshire.

Hello. This is the start of the second day of walking in Derbyshire. I'll make it a short post because I have another video to slot in after these pictures, so I'll make it two or three posts covering the day. Eight miles walked although not a lot I wanted to linger and take in the beautiful countryside. 
I turned right out of the camp site and went along the road to Grangemill. At the junction I took a minor road up a hill, heading towards Ible. 
Looking back where I have just come from. The road you see down there on the right is back to the camp site. The road you see on the left is to Grangemill Quarry.
A bit further along and the quarry comes into sight, with a bit of zoom. 
I love exploring quarries but I don't think I will have time to get closer to this one. 


  1. Yes, the new blogger format is giving me fits too... but my problem is the "centering" of paragraphs so far down the page. I know how to "center" and "left margin" words and all that, but the correction I used to use isn't working anymore. Odd. I always blame things on my old computer. When websites "update" their formats, my old computer doesn't like it and won't work right. Oh well... I've got bigger problems than to worry about the centering of my blog words. *haha* Wish I didn't. Have a wonderful time on your excursions. I love hearing all about them. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Frustrating. I've always done it the same, put photo's on first down the centre, resize them, then add words in between, align to the left. Always worked, not now. The spaces between paragraphs are too wide, hate big gaps in the post, and hate things to be squashed up. Bugger bugger bugger.

  2. It looks lovely and green there compared to how parched it is here where I live. Blogger has been making all my text blue today and underlining it randomly. Glad to know it's not only me who's been experiencing this! Arilx

  3. I love the old tractor!.If I had lots of land as my garden I would have random things like that scattered about!xx


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