Friday, 15 January 2021

On the go.

 I think I might be hyper active, it's like my brain seems to be ten steps ahead of my body. When I watch yoootooob videos I am constantly looking at the list on the side to choose the next one. I am quick to skip the ads and as soon as the end is near I am clicking on the next one. Can't waste time waiting around, I want them to follow on seamlessly.  

My mind is constantly thinking, what next? I have an insatiable appetite to learn more. Often what you see is not what you are getting. There is always more information to discover. 

When I go out for a walk, a proper walk for exercise, I can't be dawdling. I might pull out my camera if I see something to snap, but it's click and go. When I am sat on the bench it is only for a few minutes, especially if it is cold. Just enough time to make a video if I feel so inclined. Five miles takes two hours, and I usually fit that in with whatever I am doing that day. I always have something waiting at home to do. 

When I prepare a meal I can't stand around in the kitchen waiting for something under the grill, or to simmer in a pan. I have to find little jobs to do to fill the time, like rinse off some mucky pots, or fill up the coffee, sugar, and milk containers from the jars and packets in the cupboard. It's like every small job has to fit in with other small jobs. 

If I use the downstairs toilet I check the cat litter boxes first, because the cleaning station is on a table next to the toilet outside the back door. Two jobs in one, cuts down the time of walking from one room to another. 

I go shopping late because I've got no patience to wait in a queue in the daytime, and I certainly won't wait to go through a checkout. Virus or no virus, I hate waiting. 

If I have an appointment for anything, which doesn't happen very often, I want to get there five minutes before my allotted time. I don't want to sit in a waiting room. Not because of the virus, I have always been like that. They used to have a drop in session at the hospital so people could get minor alterations done to their hearing aids without making an appointment. I went once when it was busy. After ten minutes there was no sign of movement so I went to the reception desk and said I had to go, because I couldn't stand to be in a busy room with all the noise, and I hate having to sit close to people. The receptionist pointed to a quiet room where I could sit and wait, and she would tell me when it was my turn. That worked well, I had a book with me to read. 

I used to take my cats to a vet who set up a pop in centre in an old building in the next village. It was pot luck whether anyone else would be there. Often it meant sitting and waiting. I got fed up with that, so I started going to the main vet centre which was a forty minute drive away. I timed it so I would arrive five minutes before the appointment. I would rather be driving my car than sitting in a waiting room. 

I remember when I was trucking and turning up at a big distribution centre to find a queue in front of me. Once in the gate I was told where to park and wait to be called. That used to drive me nuts. I got out of my cab and walked around and around the whole rig to pass the time. At least I was doing something useful by exercising. 

I am looking at the clock now and see it is 45 minutes to a news programme I want to watch. I have a pan of stew ready which I made yesterday, so at ten minutes to one I will microwave a portion, then eat it while I watch. All my meals are eaten while at the computer. It seems a waste of time to just sit and eat. 

This afternoon I will do a village walk. It's foggy so three miles around the village will be enough. At some point I will fit in some more arty work, finish painting the frame and deciding how I am going to fill the middle. 

That's the blogging done for the day. The computer stays on so I'll be popping back to check this and that. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. You are like me Ilona I am always doing several jobs at the same time, that's how we get so much done, I was never one to only do i job at a time especially when you are like me on your own
    Keep well,
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

    1. I sometimes think it would be nice to ask someone in the house to check the grill, or chop up some veg, while I get on with something else.

  2. You sound like a great multi tasker make the most of each hour and you've got a very organised mind the way you fit small jobs in time least you get a lot done in your dayx

    1. I wish I could split my body into two pieces so I could be in two rooms at the same time.

  3. Sounds perfectly normal to me!

  4. Maybe you should try a few relaxing breathing exercises Ilona . I have those herbal tablets called Kalms as I'm very nervous and find it hard to relax and sleep. I also use a few drops of Olbas Oil on a hankie that's good to get to sleep. xxx

    1. Thank you. I'm pleased you have found something that works for you.

  5. I do a few kitchen things while waiting for things to simmer or boil or whatever, usually rinsing out soaked dishes or filling up smaller containers. There's not much to do in the other two rooms I have, but when I'm waiting for the computer I'll read a few pages of my current book and I read while eating also. I am lazy in other ways though.

    1. I have been known to rush back to the kitchen when I suddenly realise I put something under the grill.

  6. I don't think you are hyperactive...just impatient! And you get a lot done, so it's all good!


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