Monday, 29 March 2021

You decide.

Good morning. The good news is that the boat in the Suez has been re-floated. The bad news is that there are now 369 ships waiting to follow it through to the other side, which is going to take a while to clear. You might have to wait for your non essential items to land on our shores. 

Anyway, a new day dawns, and it's going to be sunny for three days, apparently. We have been given new freedoms, so it's only right to make the best of it. Little by little they are being given back to us. 

I am allowed to drive somewhere and go for a walk in a different place, so that's what I am going to do. Camera batteries are on charge and as soon as I've checked the map and had breakfast, I'm off. 

Have a nice day, and grab your freedoms while you can, because once they are gone forever, there is no getting them back. The new normal is being locked up and your life mapped out for you. The old normal is thinking for yourself and taking full responsibility for your own actions. You decide. 

Thanks for popping in. Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. The trouble is, Ilona, that not everyone behaves responsibly so there have to be rules at the moment. On Saturday my young neighbour threw a party. SIX visitor's cars arrived just after lunch as well as a bouncy castle in the garden. I had to endure a noisy party by closing all my windows and whilst sitting alone and isolated from my family. She shows NO sense of responsibility for her actions despite her grandmother (aged 77) being her childcare. Not everyone can be relied on to be sensible, I'm afraid.
    Enjoy your walk, Ilona, things will get better...

    1. My neighbours can get a bit noisy too on a sunny day in the garden. I take my hearing aid out.

    2. If only it were that simple, Ilona. A couple of weeks ago I had to go to her door in my pyjamas at midnight to request that she turn her pounding dance music down so that we could sleep. A few weeks ago it was 3.30am before we got to sleep. Its just not funny Sb.

  2. I prefer the old normal and prefer to think for myself, taking the consequences if I get it wrong.

    So glad to hear the canal has been unblocked and our plastic rubbish is on its way to us.

    Enjoy this lovely day, Ilona.


    1. It was a wonderful day. Lovely to walk in a different place.

  3. Thanks for update on boat back floating away. Its always something in life. We get the tree cut last week and something done in house. Then our dishwasher quit last night. Sigh!! Oregon is pretty much open. Not all restaurants are open for indoor seating due to their size. Enjoy your drive and have a good week!!

  4. It is good to hear you are being allowed a few more 'freedoms' again. A country cannot remain forever in lock-down, whatever the reason causing it.
    Hope you enjoyed your walk :)

    1. Lockdown forever is another name for Communism. I had a great walk, thank you.

  5. I live in the US and no one has taken anyone's freedom. If people would learn common sense and understand life isn't just about them, so many people wouldn't have died.

    1. If you can't see what is going on you must be blind.

  6. Try to test my ability to post comments. I have been struggling even being logged into my google account and my blog account. Love your blog! Thanks for keeping things alive during the pandemic 😀😀

    1. You are coming through loud and clear, Tammy. I got your email.

  7. Here in BC they've tightened the screws on us again. Sigh.

  8. yes i saw that some restrictions,thats a new word now for our time,had been lifted your way,looking forward to seeing some pics from your day out :) over our way its Easter holiday chaos interstate no warning 3 day lock down well you get about 7 hours notice panic buying border restrictions etc atleast now im not doing any interstate stuff probly never again dont need too i just had a fab morning at a very quiet beach with my four legged furbaby beautiful sunny autumn day.Louise

    1. I think they are picking these restrictions from a Lockdown menu. Now let's see, what shall we allow them to do today. Ah yes, they could walk to the garden gate and back.

      To be able to go to a quiet beach would be bliss.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.