Wednesday, 4 August 2021

It's gone.

Last look at the old garage before it is taken down. They came at 9am, two men and a van. 
It's a wreck, it had to go. 
View of the rear. Remember the beach scene I painted on the back, then changed it to a stripey design. 
The ivy turned into a tree and smothered it. I shall miss the green leaves, but it was a big job to cut them back every year.  
The roof came off first, then the sides. I had already taken the doors off myself and deposited them at the tip. They left the panels intact and cut through the supporting wooden frame, then lifted them out without breaking them up. 

Studying the tree stuck to the panels. Tearing it down before cutting through the frame. 
Not much left now.
The back is down, now start bagging up the smaller broken pieces. Must be double bagged. 
All gone in just over two hours. It was an expensive do, but it needed to be done properly. The biggest cost is in the licences they need. 
Bye bye garage. Octogon Solutions Ltd. 
How it was. 
Now what? 

A blank canvas. Some tidying up to do. Thinking about what I want to put in it's place. I don't think I will be building another summer house, ha ha. 

I did a nine mile walk yesterday, took photo's and made three videos. will post them soon. Now I must get back outside, I think it is going to rain. 

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. That's left you with a big space to play with!

  2. It will be interesting to see what you do in the space now Ilona, some lovely only bricks.

    Hazel 🌈🌈

    1. I think those bricks will be removed and used elsewhere. That strip would be better grassed.

  3. I shall await developments! Arilx

    1. No rush, something will come eventually.

  4. Might be nice for a firepit. That's a big thing in the US. Sit around the fire at night.

    1. The firepit thing is starting to catch on here in the UK. Not in my garden though. Don't want to set the fence on fire.

  5. What did you use the garage FOR -what a big space to playyy with bet YOU can't wait WHAT idea's are running through YOUR head!,,,😊
    Your summer house is brilliant too ilona πŸ’–βœ¨πŸ‘
    BEST wishes Levi xxx πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
    LOVE your YouTube video you put on earlier!

    1. When I first moved here I had a smaller car and it fitted in the garage. Then I had a bigger car and it was too wide to get it up the driveway. After that I used it as storage, mainly wood which I collected.

    2. Ilona great πŸ‘thanks 4 replying ..did you use the wood for your art projects πŸ’ž..
      Meanqueen i think your an inspiration to us all.. true British spirit keep carry on, that's all we can DO in these depressing time's.

    3. The wood was no good for anything much, except a bonfire. I saved a few useful pieces which were stored inside, but the whole garage went off in a van.

  6. Hi Ilona, where do you park your car? Do you need this space for that?

    1. Room for one car on the driveway at the front of the house.

  7. Will see what happens. I am glad it was taken care of quickly. There a little barn like buildings here in Oregon. I'd put one of those up and put items in there to enjoy while having the windows open. I walked a bit further this evening than I thought I could as my right leg wasn't to happy. Did a quick stop and bended my knees and then kept walking with Phil. A bit warm this evening. Hope it actually rains on Friday! take care!

    1. Good to hear you are persevering with the walking.

  8. looks like it was asbestos by the PPE they were wearing. Maybe a good thing it had to go.

    1. Yes. It was ok as long as it was not disturbed. I have been here for 22 years and couldn't afford to get it removed then. Now I have saved up enough to pay for the removal. It's at the end of it's useful life.

  9. I was thinking about you yesterday morning,wondering how it was all going because I remembered that the men were coming to do the job on Aug 4th.What a great idea to take photos,before,during and after the job!.Enough space for a swimming pool,with your own changing rooms...summer house...and be the envy of your neighbours,lol.To be honest you have got a great space there and I am so looking forward to seeing what you can do with it.If it was me,I think that I would just give it a sweep and put a few pot plants there just for this year..then that would give me time to ponder on what would be useful for a project next year.Then again,I tend to over think things and am always scared of making a mistake,lol.It has taken me a year to decide what to do with some old fashioned bird cages,before I got round to stacking them and displaying geraniums in them!.I bet your well chuffed that the job of taking it down is done now though.Hope that the sun is shining for you as it is here in Leicester!xx

    1. I have enough pot plants to add to this area.

  10. I wondered about a greenhouse. I have seen a few on Freegle over the past year.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.