Tuesday 24 August 2021


I've had a very nice afternoon. After lunch I loaded my car up with boxes of rubble and took it to the recycling centre. That's the last of it, no more digging. The strip of ground is covered in grass seed. I shall be out there every day looking for the first signs of growth. 
While I was out and about I went to town and picked up a couple of maps from WH Smith. I had a look in their clearance sale upstairs but nothing to tempt me. Some of the prices didn't seem particularly cheap. 
Parked in a side road was this beautiful DAF truck. I'm not a fan of this make. British  Leyland trucks were taken over by DAF many years ago. They called the new trucks Leyland DAF. Eventually they dropped the Leyland part of the name. This one is from Holland. 
The driver travels the UK delivering fresh flowers. He can't get the truck parked close to a lot of flower shops so the assistant has to come out with a trolley to pick up her delivery. I had a little chat with the driver. He is away for three days and makes 40 deliveries. He has a hand held electronic gadget with all the addresses on there, and what stock has been ordered for each shop. The refrigerated trailer is fitted out with shelving and he puts together the orders for each place. That's a lot of work, I suspect he must be doing twelve hour days. 
Next I went to Go Outdoors to have a browse around there. It's a big store, there were one or two things I wanted. I looked longingly at the tents, there are some big ones at quite good prices. They would be great for two people to put up, but no good for me struggling in the wind and rain. 

I bought a gas cooker single burner. The small one I have is unstable so something flat will be safer to use. I found a small folding table, it will be useful to put next to my chair. I didn't get the electric hook up lead that I wanted. They had one that was £40. Too much. I considered buying another pair of my favourite boots, but they didn't have my size, so that saved me some money. 

 On the way back I pass Poundstretcher so I had a browse there. It was nice to wander around a near empty shop. I spent the grand total of £2.49 for a tin of Coffee Mate. 

I've had a dawdling kind of day, no pressure to hurry up. Now I'm going to make dinner. It will be a fridge to plate meal, no need to cook. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Those flower delivery trucks are always huge and have lovely paintwork

  2. I don't know what it is with Poundstretcher, I go in there and think "what on earth did I come in here for - get me out"

  3. By the way your post is sounding I have an idea you are going away again.
    Pleased you got rid of the rubble and hopefully your garden is nearly finished.
    Hazel 🌈🌈

  4. You can buy the connector for the electric hook up separately and connect it to an extension cable. This is what you have to do for the continent as the electric sockets are far apart. The UK hook up cables are thick and heavy for safety reasons .

  5. The inside of that truck must smell beautiful and a lovely design on it as well.Wouldnt that be great to have all kitted out as a camper van!I thought the same as Hazel,that you must be considering a trip away!I havent spent much money at all apart from cat food and paying for day trips to the coast.I have got a weekend in Brighton to look forward to in September.That folding table that you bought are so handy.We use ours in the garden now between our sun chairs,ideal for putting our cups on and any books we are reading.Pleased for you that you had a dawdling kind of day..you deserve it after all your hard work!.Now I have got that 60s song in my head by The Move..I Can Hear the Grass Grow!!xx

  6. Bet YOU enjoyed seeing the 🚚 lorry
    Meanqueen did you tell him that your an ex lorrydriver 👍❤

    BEST wishes
    Levi xxx

  7. Ilona, I am hoping you will weigh in on the news stories about the lorry driver shortage. It's even making the news over here in the US, but it seems too dramatic to not have an agenda behind the coverage. My brother is a long-hauler independent over here.

  8. Hi Iona
    You have down an amazing job removing all the rubble. It's beginning to look lovely. It will look fabulous when the grass grows.


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