Tuesday, 14 December 2021

New boots and a new area to explore

Go Outdoors, the big camping and outdoor leisure shop is on the other side of town. I don't go over there very often. Today I decided to buy a new pair of boots. To make it worthwhile going I had a look in Halfords but didn't find what I wanted. I also passed the Arts Centre so popped in to pick up an application form for the Open Exhibition in January. 
There are some big shops at Lakeside Shopping Centre but I didn't need to go in any of them. I had picked up the cat food last night at Skippingdale so don't need any more. Fully stocked up for eight weeks now. 
I decided to go for a walk around the lake. I used to come here years ago with my then boyfriend, he used to jet ski. I walked his dog while he whizzed about on the water. I thought about having a go myself but that would have been daft, being as I can't swim. This first picture is where he launched from. 
There wasn't any laid out paths back then, it was all a bit rough and overgrown. Looks more organised now. 

The lake is just across the busy main A18 road from the Steelworks. There's no getting away from the constant humming of the traffic. 

I came across a man sat in his parked car, the path is wide enough to drive down. He was surrounded by a dozen or more squirrels. I was surprised to see so many, so I had to ask him why they had all gathered around him. The story is that he is the water bailiff  for the area. He comes every day to check on things, stays two hours and brings seeds and nuts for the squirrels. He says he is there at the same time, and they are ready for him. His wife makes him a pack up to eat while he is there. What a lovely story. 

I walked so far around and got a bit confused when the path split into two. Luckily another walker came by and I asked her which way to go. My old map doesn't have all these new paths on it. 

There is a newish housing estate nearby, When I got closer to it I met several dog walkers. One chap had three retrievers, they were going ballistic running about. They each had a harness on and were colour coded. Pink, green, and yellow. I thought that was funny. 

There are sections around the edge which are like sandy beaches. I bet the kids come in the summer and build sand castles. 

I got home just after 3pm. My new boots. Exactly the same as my last two pairs. They are a perfect fit and won't need any breaking in. The price was £117. Aren't they lovely. I don't need to wear them just yet because the ones I am wearing now are good for another six months.  
I bought this pan set. The oblong shape will fit better into the boxes when I am packing things for camping. 

And a dinky little kettle. Got everything I want for camping now, just need some longer days. 

All in all, a good day. I needed to get away from the computer. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.   Toodle pip. 


  1. I would love to hang out with squirrels each day. What a kind hearted man to build a bond with them like that x

    1. I love to see them darting about. I wish I could have taken a photo of him but I thought it was too intrusive of me to ask. He had long straggly hair and a long grey beard. He joked that he hasn't had it cut since lockdown.

  2. What a great day out. I LOVE the new boots. I would have a hard time getting them dirty lol I don’t know why I do that, get something new and hang on to it not wanting “mess” it up. I can’t wait spot see the videos and pictures of where you and your new boots go. Of course in my mind I’m singing “ these boots were made for walking and that’s just what they’ll do…” 🎼🎼🎤🎤

    1. I am just the same with boots. To me they are a thing of beauty.

  3. The squirrel man sounds a kind chap💙✅
    .. nice boots didnt YOU buy a new pair last year ilona, Great camping equipment all we need is the hot weather🔥❤..
    Best Wishes Levi x

    1. I don't think it was last year, maybe the year before.

  4. I've got those boots - the most comfortable footwear I have ever owned. (I've also got a brand new spare pair in my wardrobe that I bought when they were on offer earlier this year.)

    1. We are both set up for some good walking over the next few years. Good planning, Sue.

  5. I can't wait for spring either. I was out van camping until 2 weeks ago then the dark short days have curtailed that. I'll be back out camping in March. Just walking now to see me through winter. The new
    Boots look great.

    1. I have been thinking of a trip up north, not as far as Scotland though. There is a whole area around Northumberland that I haven't explored yet.

  6. I didn't know you couldn't swim - it's always a surprise to find people who can't as I thought people learned at school but my BiL and DiL also missed out

    1. I was bussed to the swimming pool in town when I was about 11 or 12. I was scared to death of the water, and it was so cold. The teacher was awful, shouting at us. That put me off for life. I ended up writing my own excuse notes and putting my dad's name at the bottom. It was usually earache, sickness, or sore throat.

  7. Hi Ilona, thanks for the 'Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko' link it was beautiful. I have passed it on to my son who is in such a state over potentially losing his job. You're doing a great job with these links.

    1. Hi Briony. I do feel for the people who are in limbo with their future, not knowing if they will have a job or not. What this Government is inflicting on everyone is unspeakable cruelty. They only have one agenda, and will squash everyone who gets in their way. Tell your son to hang on in there and wait until he gets sacked. He may then be able to take them to court for unfair dismissal. If everyone does that they may re think their strategy.

  8. Hi Ilona, love your new boots! Interesting to hear you stick to the same style/brand - I do that too. I have found that Meindl boots suit my feet the best and are the most comfortable for me. Having found a make that I like I can then usually find replacements on ebay when I need them - I keep a regular lookout for my size, so that I always have a new pair ready and waiting when my old pair wears out, although I do wear them right to the bitter end, until the soles are as flat as a pancake! Even when they are old and battered they are still OK for wandering around/pavement walking, and I don't break into my new boots until I absolutely have to - I make sure I get my money's worth out of every pair! A tip for anybody who is looking to buy some new boots ..... I often find bargains on ebay in Feb/March. People buy new boots in January, with the intention of doing some walking, and then often give up, so they put their boots on ebay. Usually they have only been worn once or twice, and are practically brand new.

    1. When my boots start falling apart they get relegated to garden use.

  9. When we think back,to all those years ago when we were teenagers...our money spent on platform soled,chunky heeled knee high boots,lol.And the pleasure we get these days of a good solid pair of comfy walking boots!.I love mine!.Thats a lovely story of the man feeding the squirrels,long hair n beard eating the packed lunch his wife made.I have this image of him in my mind now.Just the sort of person that I would like to sit n chat to for a while.xx

    1. We didn't do comfy when we were teenagers. Footwear had to be fashionable, even though it was crippling our feet.


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