Friday, 25 March 2022

First car camping trip this year.

Here is the answer to the question, where am I. 
You would think there wouldn't be a lot to photograph on a Motorway Service Area. After I finished my coffee and tidied my bits and bobs in the car, I went for a bimble around. I noticed that  a lot of birds were nesting in the trees. It's a very noisy place to be laying eggs and feeding young ones, but that doesn't seem to bother them. I walked around under the trees and dropped a few crushed cheesy crackers. I think they probably hunt for any dropped food they can find. Within a couple of minutes they descended on the crumbs. 

The blossoms are starting to show. Pointing the camera up through the branches gives a nice contrast between the dark wood and the white flowers. 

I love the colour yellow, reminds me that spring is here. 
Had to photograph the parked truck with it's abnormal load. Oh happy days. I remember transporting loads like that. We used to have police escorts, but now the transport companies have to supply their own back up escort vehicles. Note the three axles on the tractor unit, that's a big one which can pull heavy loads. The load it has on here is not particularly heavy, just very wide and bulky. 

I sat for a while on a step on the edge of the lorry park, watching vehicles coming and going. Dreaming of, yeah, that used to be me. Seems such a long time ago now. 
A green Scania pulled in, with a tanker on it's back. Wow, that's nice. The driver got out and walked towards me, smiling, and asked if I was alright. I think I looked a bit odd looking a bit lost. Perhaps thought I was waiting for a lift. I couldn't contain my excitement. What are the chances of seeing another lady trucker on the road. There still isn't many about. After establishing that we had a lot in common, Morwen went off to the toilets, and brought us both a coffee back. How kind is that. 
Eventually she had to leave, after extending her break time to chat with me. I was so chuffed to meet her, it was like talking to an old friend. It was a fantastic start to the day. 
When I was ready to leave it was slow going to get out of the service area and back on the motorway. There had been an accident and the place was gridlocked. That was bad timing for me. Eventually the traffic started moving. There was a crew working to repair the battered central barriers and two lanes were closed. 
Back in Warwick I went to a car park that was recommended to me by the lady in the Tourist Information Office. I had drawn a blank with finding a car park which would accept coins for payment. They are mostly card only payments now and I didn't take a card with me. 
If anyone wants free all day parking in Warwick go to Cape Road. It was a car park for the staff and visitors to the council offices and the doctors surgery. Since everyone was told to work from home, and the surgery closed, the car park is no longer needed, so it is free. 
I will end this post here. There are more photo's and videos. Tune in to find out what happens next. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Great photo's ilona I wondered myself where u was!
    Nice too see your away car camping
    That was the highlight meeting a lady truckerr πŸš›

    You can see beauty even in a motorway service

    The weather's been great for it meanqueen
    Nice setup in your car πŸ’›
    Enjoy your coffee you do seem to really enjoy it

    All my love
    Levi xx ❀

  2. Hope the sunshine continues for your trip away. It's lovely seeing all the spring flowers out now. Arilx

  3. Oh I really do love to see your car camping trips it looks fun.thats fantastic you met with a trucker for a chat and coffee I expect you had a lot to talk about and lovley weather for you toox

  4. What a relaxing time that had to be for you sitting and day dreaming. 😊😊 What a sweet lady trucker to buy you a coffee. I can’t wait to see the rest of the videos and pictures. So glad you had nice weather. Turning snowy again her in my part of the US. Hopefully this will be the end of the wintry weather.

  5. Oh boy! I love seeing pictures of your car camping trips and living vicariously through them. I use to do that when I was single. It's the best way to holiday ever, IMHO. Thank you!

  6. My hubby was a truckie (long haul stainless), and the last firm he worked for employed several women drivers although not all of them did the long trips.

  7. Are you going to visit Coventry?
    All the best Jo.

    1. Lady Godiva country
      I have family there in Coventry

      Levi x


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.