Saturday, 19 March 2022


 So let me get this right. If you are a bloke who says he is now a woman, and he becomes ill and gets admitted to a hospital, and they put him in an all female ward, he then rapes another patient, and the hospital says it never happened because they didn't have any men on the ward. This happened a year ago. Some CCTV film was found and it proved that he did indeed rape the woman. She has gone through hell because no one believed her. 

How absolutely bonkers is that. My belief is that a person can't just say that from now on I identify as a woman/man, and half heartedly attempt to change their appearance by wearing different clothes. Cross dressing is fine by me, people can wear whatever clothes they like. If someone is seriously going to go through the whole caboodle of adopting their new identity they should be using the word Trans because that's what they are. Transitioning from one to the other. 

If a man chooses not get his dick chopped off he is still biologically a man. He can call himself a transwoman if he likes, but he is not a woman. 

You can read the story here. 

"The hospital, with all its CCTV, has had to admit that the rape happened and that it was committed by a man.”

An investigation by police into the case is now under way.

What a topsyturvy world we live in. Have a nice weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. They have to live as a women for at least a year before the NHS allows actual hormone treatment to begin . During that time they have to have counselling etc . Many change their minds at this point. Beggers belief that happened in a hospital doesnt it . Common sense would dictate that someone who is transitioning would be given a side room at least

  2. An extraordinary story and ghastly for the poor woman involved. Women didn't get the right to vote until 1928. Less than 100 years and several Equality Acts later women's essential identity is being hijacked.

    Amanda, Sussex

  3. In my hospital, surgical units are mixed sex. Most managers try to place two of the same sex in the same room and there have been some right tetris moves done to accomodate it.

    Only the Women's units are single sexed. I've admitted a few women that are transitioning to male onto that unit but they are day surgeries and go home. Let's take out all the lady plumbing and go home. Not a surgery I'd like to do and then go home but it is what it is.

  4. It's hard not to have a massive rant about this. Maybe we need an army of Dexters, but even that wouldn't change what has happened. It'll be interesting to see what punishment the accused receives. I know it will not be enough. Hospitals are very dangerous places in multiple ways, and we should all do our utmost never to end up in one of them.

    1. Well said Mr K.H.
      I probably ought not comment more because there could be a major rant.

  5. Aww I feel so sorry for that poor rape victim. Not only did she have to endure the Act, then she had to endure not being believed by the staff,just imagine what she went through. This world is getting more and more madder by the day and it scares me!

  6. Mixed sex wards came about as a cost cutting action. It is something I have never agreed with, people are vulnerable in hospital. For so many reasons. Having worked on and been a patient in a mixed sex ward. Another way of undermining women as I see it.
    It is embarrassing and humiliating. Why do women have to be undermined all of the time.


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