There are people out there who are scrutinising the Government web site for anything which reveals what their plans are. The following job offer was spotted.
A second job advertised for a Deputy Director for management of the covid pass £71k per year! Deputy Director, Service Management Covid Pass - Civil Service Jobs - GOV.UK
Soon after, Desmond Swain, Conservative MP for New Forest West, stood up in Parliament to question Sajid Javid on what it was about. Desmond said, I think he was taken by surprise when I asked for an explanation. Later Sajid confirmed that the job offer has been pulled. If you click on the link GOV.UK have confirmed that the job has closed or been withdrawn. The closing date was 15th of June.
Someone was quick to take screenshots.

As I said, question everything. People think we are getting back to normal. They will keep pushing.
Back later. ilona
I think covid is still very much here at the moment and government figures are not the truth. Now people have to pay for tests many don't bother. Which is another way of lowering the positive case rates. People are lulled into a sense of false security and are mixing freely in crowded places. Both my sisters have covid atm and one is CEV and very ill. I'm pretty sure the jabs aren't much good either as she's had 4 and still really ill. Other sister had 3 jabs and quite ill too. So much for it making it a mild illness. Quite clever really, gain money for the tests and lower the rates at the same time. People feel safer due to low infection rates and buy more tests when ill so more money in. Sally x
ReplyDeleteIt's all going according to plan. They need to keep the money coming in to fund the next stage. It's a vicious circle. They have trialled it over the last 2 - 3 years, and people buy into it, even now, when it's obvious what is happening. Any hint of cases rising sends people to line up for another jabberwocky. I know someone who has had four, which has exacerbated her previous conditions. Now going through a series of tests. She is never going to be right again.
DeleteThe precedent has been set, the sheople have been trained to bleat whenever Whitehall or Downing Street ring a bell - although the jury's still out when it comes to what they are really doing with this patently absurd "PonkeyMox" (sic). I do notice that comparing the NHS website to independent archives shows that they've re-written the relevant pages. Where only recently the illness was 'mild' and 'cleared up in two to four weeks without treatment' and was 'rarely/barely seen outside of Africa' suddenly it is more serious, possibly airborne, everyone must isolate, and it's been re-classified as an officially Notifiable Disease on a par with "Pallsmox" (sic). Amazing how the NHS has learned so much fresh information in just a few weeks at just the "right" time about this relatively obscure, mild, rare, backwater, difficult-to-catch illness! Names changed to avoid Neglect by Google Algorithm. ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou don't hear so much about conspiracy theorists now, because slowly the evil plot is being exposed. It was never a theory. Some of us are ahead of the game. As you say, they are ramping up the moneypocks thing, using it to further the next stage of the plan.
DeletePeter McCullough, MD MPH
Headlining two programs in Nashville area Jun 11-12 with key nursing leaders who faced the original threat of contagion; now they are fielding the deluge of injuries, disabilities, and death from the mandated genetic products
BREAKING: Missouri Governor Mike Parson has signed legislation that will prevent state licensing boards from punishing physicians who prescribe Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
ReplyDeleteThis is a tremendous victory for medical freedom.
I’m so glad I held the line and didn’t have the vx as In convinced I would have suffered life changing side effects and be in a pathway of medication for life and a treadmill of hospital appointments and tests. None of this was easy and particularly losing friends and a job that offered a lot of flexibility. I’m lucky enough to have found another job but am tied to a contract which I don’t like. I’m very thankful for people like Ilona as the last two years have felt very isolating and of course it’s never going to stop.
ReplyDeleteWe are not alone. This is the largest medical experiment ever in history. . You know that, I know that. If my going on about it will wake a handful of people up, then it will have been worth it to put up with the nasty comments frequently thrown my way. Hold the line. We are on the right side.
You're right, most people think it's back to normal. The Government have really messed with people's heads and their ability to do any form of critical thinking. Even now, in June 2022 there are still people thinking - 'if only we'd just stuck to restrictions it'd have shortened the pandemic'. I mean honestly!! Many people just don't see what's under their noses. Cheers, Karen