Saturday, 4 June 2022

Vintage trams at Blackpool

Going across the country to Blackpool should take 2.5 to 3 hours, but it took me a bit longer when I went on Thursday. The motorways were busy, everyone on the move because it was a Bank Holiday. I came off the motorway and went through the middle of Preston which probably was not the best idea. At least I was moving rather than stuck in a traffic jam. 
I knew it was going to busy in Blackpool, and finding a parking space in a car park was going to be impossible. I used to live on Lytham Road when I worked on the Pleasure Beach. It is a wide road, I found a quiet street just off it, not far from Watson Road,  which goes underneath the Pleasure Beach. 
When I got to the Promenade I found all the vintage trams parked up, preparing to set off towards the Tower, where they would stop for photographs, and then go onward to Bispham. 
There was a good atmosphere, the excitement was building up. Lots of photographers were milling around looking for that perfect shot. 

There were double deckers, and open top trams. Decorated, and plain green and cream. 

After I took a few photo's and made a video, I set off walking. Some of them caught me up, and some overtook me. They travelled in convoy. First stop The Tower. 

Deck chairs were set out on the Comedy Carpet in front of the Tower, and a stage was set up with music blasting out. It was very busy. There are some pictures of the Comedy Carpet on this post. 

I met my friend Carol there. It's a good job we both have a phone or we would never have been able to find each other. 

The tide was on it's way out and the beach was filling up with people keen to enjoy the warm weather. 

The trams before they set off. 
This was the best time to get a good look at them. It wasn't so busy here. I will split this trip into two posts. More photo's to come 
We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Enjoy the atmosphere looks epic nice seeing everyone having fun and enjoying themselves πŸ‘β€πŸ’―..I've been to a Jubilee DAy in my village that was nice ,,have a great JubileeπŸ‘‘ Holiday ilona whatever your doing

    Lotsa luck
    Levi xx
    Nice trams by the wayy

    1. It was a great atmosphere. Everyone was happy.

  2. I often go to Fleetwood and saw the Royal Navy tram. I think it must have been on a test run to be sure everything was working alright.
    Wonderful photos of the clean and well polished trams.

    1. The old trams are cherished by volunteers who look after them.

  3. Everyone looks and sounds excited. Looked like a nice day weather wise too. The roller coaster looks like lots of fun. I am sure you have lots of good memories from Blackpool. Glad you and Carol were able to meet up and have a fun day catching up. 😊😊 Longtime friends are the best!!

    1. We speak regularly on the phone but it's three years since we last met up. We had a great chinwag.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.