Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Climb every mountain......

I stopped to chat with my new best friend on my way through Buxton Country Park. The conversation was pretty much one sided. He sits there frozen in time, looking quite poorly. I am striding along with a spring in my step, towards the top of the hill. Sorry mate, I've got to go. Can't sit here all day, I'm having an adventure. 
There is the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Oh wow, there it is. Grinlow Tower, aka Solomon's Temple. It's looking like some other people have the same idea on this sunny Saturday morning. 

Will I make it to the top? I didn't need to, the views are fabulous so I walked around it. 

A slight breeze wafted away the hot sun's rays. It was pleasant to sit on a rock for a while and take it all in. Families were enjoying their picnics. 

Zooming in on Buxton Town Centre. 

I can see for miles. Can you see me mother. 

I needed to make my way back down to catch the Carnival, which starts at 2pm. I headed through the car park at Poole's Cavern, straight to the Pavilion Gardens, to pick my spot. Come back later for the video of the parade, and more photographs. 

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. love seeing your photos and hearing about your travels. So much to see in this wonderful country. take good care and keep on enjoying your life Ilona, onlyjo

    1. Thank you Jo. There is a lot more to see, more than I will ever get time to visit.

  2. I don't know where you find the energy. Do you ever stop, and do nothing?

    1. Ha ha, not very often. Maybe for ten minutes or so. Need to keep moving.

  3. You can almost see our flat on your pics, we're not far from the Devonshire Dome! We've walked up to Solomon's Temple many, many times over the years, but arthritis in my knees, hips and back prevent me getting up there now.
    Buxton's the most lovely of small towns, but has suffered badly recently, due to both the pandemic and the recession.

  4. What great views!!! Looks like a lot of people were out to enjoy the beautiful day. I can see you mother!!!!!! Thanks for taking us along. I can’t wait to see the parade. Hurry let’s get a good seat. 🙂🙂


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.