Wednesday, 20 July 2022

It's good to get out

This morning I unloaded the four bags of gravel from my car. They are too heavy for me to pick them up. I cut the plastic bags open and shoveled it out into a bucket with a trowel, bit by bit. 
What a relief to be able to go out for a walk today. A gentle breeze kept me cool. I had a chat with an elderly couple who were watering the plants in their front garden. I often stop and speak to them if they are out. They have a Jack Russell dog, a bit bigger than Billy. By a strange coincidence they were telling me about a sore lump that appeared on it's bottom in exactly the same place as Billy had one. They took it to the vet and was given some anti biotics which has cleared it up. It must be a common thing with that breed of dog. 

I don't know what these flowers are called, weeds I think. There is a whole field of them. 

It's gone quite dark, is there is a storm brewing. It looks black over Bills mothers, as my mum used to say. Luckily it didn't rain. Let's hope it comes when we are all in bed tonight. 

Is the weather back to normal now. Let's hope so. I see the race is down to two horses now. Not much between them really. Might as well toss a coin. 
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. That bee looks hard at work gathering pollen and nectar on the purple thistle or flower, especially with a storm threatening.

    1. You can see where the term buzzy bees come from. They never stop visiting flowers.

  2. I'm glad you got the gravel out of vehicle. Lovely flowers. I hope England 🇬🇧 has cooler weather soon. Sad to read and see 👀 😢 online about fires and people dying from high temperatures 🌡 praying that it all ends soon. God bless.

    1. It is a lot cooler today. I can go back to the usual time of 4pm to do a dog walk.

  3. The flowers are ragwort. According to they have chemicals that are toxic to animals but it's a native flower vital for pollinating insects. Choose which side of the fence to sit! I'm glad the weather has turned a bit cooler today. Can't do anything when it's too hot!

    1. I have some of those flowers in my garden. At the end of summer I will cut them all down.

  4. Beautiful pictures. I did google black over at Bills mothers to find out it’s origin lol I also looked up one I had heard a friend say “ that lasted as long as Pat was in the army”. I so enjoy finding out where sayings come from. Glad you had a cooler day. Temperatures here in West Virginia are hot hot hot. Hubby emptied the rain barrel to water the garden and had to get a little from the water hose. $$$ Thanks again mother for taking us on a field trip. 😊😊


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