Sunday 14 August 2022

Another hot day (edited)

I cut my walk short yesterday. I knew it wasn't going to be doable but I was desperate to get out into the countryside. A shorter walk was better than no walk. I'm glad I made the effort. 

There was a light breeze blowing across the fields, but not enough to cool me down sufficiently to carry on. I took refuge on the bench under the shade of the tree and ate a sandwich and had a drink. It was pleasantly cool there, I could have stayed there for longer, but no point in delaying the inevitable. I have to brave the glaring sun and go home. 
Today I did a wash load and made a video about it. Mayze is snoring away on the desk in front of me. She has had a tablet, and following that traumatic experience, she had a plate of freshly cooked chicken. Now contented and full, she continues to make progress. 
Now I am going to eat. Mushrooms and spinach, with an egg, on garlic bread, with the last glass of cider out of the bottle. Happy Sunday everyone. Catch ya tomorrow. Toodle pip.    ilona
I've just been checking out the flight paths for the red Arrows. They have been in Blackpool for two days, and are now on their way back to base at Scampton. They are due to leave Blackpool at 7.23pm, and arrive at base at 7.49pm. Their route is north to Morecambe Bay, then inland over Lancaster and then the Yorkshire Dales. They turn right just after York, and head south to cross the Humber Bridge. I was rather hoping they might come over here again, and I could get a photo on their return journey, but no such luck. Total flying time 26 minutes. Amazing. Their schedule of events are here


  1. Becky from Toronto14 August 2022 at 17:51

    When it is hot here I always walk very early in the morning.

  2. I've noticed some people are walking one and a half hours earlier recently - I feel confined to indoors but I'm sure it will soon cool down - A lot of the time I've been sprawled out in the house like my dog - So pleased Mayze is enjoying her chicken meals xx

  3. I hope the weather cools down soon. I've read that France is hot as well. We've had cooler evenings and nights since Tues. May get 100 degrees this week but may only get into high 90s F mid week. I walk in late afternoon or evening. I've talked with people from England, Scotland and Ireland lately when they are in Panera Cafe where I work. I like talking with them and other customers there. Stay cool Iola. Glad your cat is better. God bless.

  4. Tuesday morning and it's a bit cooler now. No rain here yet.


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