Sunday, 28 August 2022


With a belly full of chicken this is where Mayze can be found in the mornings. Her favourite sunspot, on the table on a soft cushion. Fully recovered from her nasty cold. She is a sweetheart. 
Have a lovely Sunday. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Cats and dogs are really wonderful companions! We got our dogs hair and nails done this week and she looks grand…I normally shower her monthly but she does need a trim ever now and again and I am not inspired to buy a clipper myself. So now she will look like a supermodel for a few weeks! She is asleep now on our chair, having had breakfast as well. Ah to be that comfortable after breakfast ;). Hilogene in Az

  2. Aw bless her. Glad she's feeling better again. Arilx

  3. So glad she is feeling well and back to her sweet self. ♥️♥️🐾🐾

  4. I'm so pleased to see Mayze looking so well and happy Ilona-She has such a wonderful life with you xx

  5. Hi Ilona,I am so happy that Mayze is on the road to feeling well again,xx

  6. Your pets are a wonderful addition to your already great life!

  7. Happy Mayze is well -- she looks extremely comfortable and well fed.


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