Thursday 18 August 2022

Coffee chat video

Hiya. C'mon peeps, we need a few more views on yesterdays post to get it up to the 1000. Not that it matters, but 1000 is a nice round number. 
I knocked up this video this morning.
Today I went to town to have a look at a new exhibition at the Arts Centre. It's called New Icons. There are quite  a lot of Banksy's in there, with some KAWS, Damien Hurst, Tracey Emin, and Grayson Perry. I will need to go again because it's too much to take in in one visit. I was on a one hour free car park, so I didn't want to take a chance on getting caught out. 
Now that Mayze has a passion for chicken I needed to get some from Aldi. I grilled some fresh for her and she loves that. I also bought some ready cooked pieces, and she likes that as well. 
A warning light on the dashboard came on so I looked it up in the manual. It is telling me that the engine needs a service. My garage usually sends me a text about that. This time I beat them to it by ringing them up. It's booked in for next month.
There is an amazing sunset tonight. I have to stop and watch it go down. 
Catch ya tomorrow. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. It's all very well saying people should cut back, but what about those who literally have nothing to cut back on?

  2. This is going to sound funny Ilona, maybe. But your blog is like my life guidebook. I have followed you for years and I admire you so much. Love from another free spirit xx

  3. I buy Iceland chicken-fresh and frozen -there is also cooked frozen that you can defrost a bit at a time x

  4. I love all your advice Ilona. Follow you every day.


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