Monday, 17 October 2022

Choice or no choice

 Martin Lewis throws out a poll almost daily on the twittteratta. It's a bit of fun to gauge the reaction of the general public on matters of public concern. His team manages it and Martin himself sometimes replies to comments. The poll today is ;-

If there were to be a new Conservative Party PM, which of these four would you say would be the best for the country at this time? Jeremy Hunt - Penny Mordaunt - Ben Wallace - Rishi Sunak. There is only space for four options. 

I, along with many others could not vote on that. For a start, who is Ben Wallace, and there is plenty of evidence that the others are part of the W E F. There is no difference between them.

I read your tweet twice Martin but I still have to vote "none". Sorry. None of the candidates put up are votable.

I’m not for any of them. If they change again we need a GE called immediately. Our bills should have been capped in April, now people are on their knees and this lot are infighting when they caused it. This is abhorrent and people on the ground are suffering.

Have a read of all the replies on Martin's poll. 

I don't study British politics, or any other world politics. The terms Left Wing and Right Wing are a nonsense to me. In my mind there are good ideas, and there are daft ideas. There are people who are clued up, and those who don't give a toss and will go their own sweet way. It's not about taking sides. Politicians in charge of our island cannot make decisions on what happens here. Our banking systems are interwoven with those in the rest of the world, and it is they who will bring us down.  We need to maintain our independence, while working towards a system that is beneficial to all. 

That is going to be a tough call. There are plans to mix up all nations, put us all into a big melting pot, and remove all our freedoms. What do they say about growing mushrooms? Keep them in the dark and feed them shit. 

Everything that happens is for a reason, all leading to the same end. Best wishes.   ilona 


  1. Angela whitehead- Ilona for next pm

    1. Choke, cough, splutter. Not on your Nellie.

  2. I agree that none of that lot should be let anywhere near 10 Downing Street. I had hoped of Truss but she tried to do too much too fast, and now we're saddled with that utter nonentity of Hunt as Chancellor ( I was working in the NHS when he was Health Secretary, and he was a disaster). I some respects a GE would be the least worst option, except that it would probably result in the utterly despicable SNP propping up Starmer. In which case it would be lights out for the masses.

    1. The way I see it is that anyone in charge has to contend with being pulled apart from both sides. MP's are elected to serve their constituents and their country. On the other side of the equation their policies are dictated by the world stock market, so they are tied in that respect.

      From what I read about Hunt we are in for a rough ride. He has connections to the WEF and China. He wanted a harsher lockdown and mandatory jabbbbys. I think any changes he brings in will be brutal. This is a plan to bring back BJ. It is predicted that the lights will go out in January/February. We shall see.

  3. Southerly Texan Edith here, Ilona -
    All I've got to say about this post:
    Go gettum, Ilona! You spoke truth about 99/100 politicians. (And it's probably more accurate to make that 100/100 politicians!) Thank you!

    1. Hello Edith. I think the backgrounds of every politician should come under scrutiny, and any connections to dodgy financial institutions and big business should render them unfit for purpose.

  4. Reminds me of the Johnny Cash song, The one on the right is on the left. It's on yootoob!

    1. Fun comparison. Another song......Okeycokey. You put your right leg in, your right leg out, in out in out, shake it all about.

  5. We need politicians who really care
    And we’ll only get that with a Labour Government. Reducing taxes for the rich wasn’t a good idea and Truss can’t be trusted .

    1. I don't see any difference between the two major parties. Although Labour would stride ahead independently in the beginning if they should get in, they will soon bow down to the almighty Gods of money.

  6. It is now obvious to a lot of people that the Conservative Party is dead. Jeremy Hunt is running the show and he is a Globalist. Now is the time to take a stand. Spend only cash. Don't be bullied into anything if your gut instinct tells you that it is wrong. Learn how to say no, I am not joining in.

  7. I'm not joining in either. I'm with you


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.