Wednesday 15 February 2023

Strange food

 I was in Home Bargains a week ago and took these pics. All the Christmas stock has gone now, and in it's place was lots of strange looking packet, tinned, and jars food. I didn't recognise any of it. They are having an Extreme Fitness Event, according to the signage. What does that mean. This doesn't look like real food to me. I looked closely at a few labels and decided to give it a miss. Give me Brussels Sprouts, and broccoli any day. It is all very strange.  

Not the usual crowd at Coffee Morning this morning. Some of them have gone off on a coach trip. I decided I was going to go out on my bike this afternoon, but when I got it out and pumped up the tyres, the sun disappeared and it went very dull. I worked out how to fix my camera to the handle bars to do a bit of filming as I went along. It didn't happen because it threatened rain, so I thought not today. 

Instead I drove to the Post Office in the next village and taxed my car. £165 for one year. 

A credit card statement came in the post today, not sure why they sent it. I haven't had one since December 21 because I haven't used the card, and haven't authorised it. Payment is due on 5th March, for the grand sum of nil. Maybe they are trying to tempt me into using it again.

What shall I have for dinner tonight. A pan of stew I think. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.    ilona 


  1. Hello Ilona all those packets of food and protein shake mix etc look very unappealing I agree I wouldn't want to buy it I'd prefer to whip up something simple myself lolx😀

  2. I think credit card companies are obliged to send out a statement once a year even if you haven't used the card and have a nil balance.

  3. Looks like a load of processed rubbish! No real food to be seen there.

    1. It doesn't seem right to me. Why would you bother.

  4. It's for folk with a Gym membership, who want to tone and hone their bodies and replace - presumably! if they work hard enough - for muscle building, replacing electrolytes, potassium, sodium etc.

    1. I wonder if you have to stay on it forever if you want to keep up a good standard of fitness.

    2. I don't body build so couldn't possibly comment! I guess the whey in the Protein tubs would just make you fat if you stopped working out.


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