Thursday, 16 March 2023

A look inside Bolsover Castle.

Follow me and we'll take a look inside the castle. Up the first flight of stairs into the library. These books are for sale. Make a donation of whatever you think is fair.  
Up another flight of stairs and walk through several rooms. 
When you get to the end there is a big window. Look down into the hall below. 
Back down the stairs to the outside. Just a bit further along is another door into this hall. 
This ancient preserved door is on display inside a wall recess. 

Take a few minutes to watch this short video.

Back outside and up onto the wall. Looking down into the kitchens. 

Now into the small main castle. Lets go into this room. Look at the wood panelling on the walls. 

There are several rooms to look at. Don't forget to look up at the ceilings. 

A big roaring fire would look amazing in this fireplace. 

I like the tapestries on the wall. 

I'm the Queen of the castle. 
I've been looking around yoootooob for some videos of the castle, and found this one. For those who want to look into the history of it, it's very informative. If anyone is even more interested there is this video Part 1.  And this one Part 2. 

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to those people who support me in my endeavours to challenge the official narrative. I will not be quiet when thousands, nay hundreds of thousands have had their lives completely turned upside down because they did what they were told, when there was no evidence that the treatment would work.


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