Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Howzit going.

 Good morning. It looks like a good start, the sun is shining. I am just popping in here before I start my day, to let you know how 2023 is progressing for me. An update on my 'No Comments' rule. It has taken the pressure off me to sort through the comments into wanted and unwanted. It is a relief that I don't have to read bitchy and negative comments. On the other hand I do miss the followers who come back time and time again, just for the entertainment value, for the social aspect with like minded people. Nobody has to agree or disagree with me. Even if the comments were open there is no compulsion to send a comment. I read lots of blogs, and most of the time I have no comment to offer. As I have said before this is not a forum, I am not offering a platform for debate. 

I have removed the Followers list from the sidebar. It has remained the same for a long time. I don't mind if it goes up or goes down, people have a choice, they can read or not read. I like things to be simple. If something is not working for me I change it. A year ago someone fell out with me and I fell out with them, big time. There was a lot of things we didn't agree on. We haven't spoken since. It's was a  relief to remove the tension in that relationship. We might start speaking at some point in the future. 

I see on a lot of blogs that people are worried about all sorts of things. Worry seems to dominate their lives. Worrying about something that you have no control over is futile. As you know I watch what is going on in the current situation. I am not worried, in fact I am quite fascinated by it all, that's why I write about it. I could be watching a shock horror movie for a couple of hours and know that it will probably have a happy end. With real life there is no ending, and who knows which direction the story will go in. I am optimistic that if we stick together we can find a way through the mayhem. 

I get on with my daily life while all the drama is going on in the background. I can dip in and out of it when I feel like it. I do not worry about the future because life will come to an end for us all eventually. I take each day as it comes, and promise myself that I will make the best of it. No doom and gloom, just accept that I cannot change what is going on in the world, but I can change my life in my own bubble. 

The idea that people should take a medical procedure to keep everyone else safe, was alien to me. If everyone did what they thought was best for themselves, then there would have been no bullying, and no threats. The blame culture is on overdrive. It all boils down again to personal responsibility. 

There is no need to start that conversation again, things have moved on. And it will keep moving on, to the next crisis. It is what it is. 

Time for brekkie. I've got some of that kefir left to put on my cereal. Don't think I will be buying that again. I have some sewing to do, I have to feed the birds, and feed the cats. Then my time is my own. I might go out.

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona  

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