Sunday, 19 March 2023


 Happy Mothers Day to all the mum's out there. My mother would have been 105 on the 4th of March. She died on the 20th of March. a long time ago, at the age of 64. 

Martha Elizabeth Helen was a brilliant mother. She lived through a very difficult time in Hamburg during the war. She came here and got married and raised three children. She was a great role model,  someone who always found a way of overcoming life's problems. A practical woman who loved her family. She taught me resilience and perseverance, and self belief. She gave me the tools to make a life for myself. I couldn't have had a better mother. 
Miss you. Lots of love always. 
Have a nice day everyone. Catch you later. ilona


  1. She looks very kind Ilona. Happy Mothers day to you also, after all you are the mother to your furry babies. Briony

    1. Thank you Briony. My furry babies are wonderful company.

  2. A beautiful woman! And a beautiful tribute from her daughter.

    1. Thank you. My mother gave me a good start in life.

  3. Well said! Hilogene in Az

  4. Your mother looks awesome I'm sure she taught you very well.i agree with the first reader your q great mum to your fur baby's they have a wonderfull life with you🌈🌈


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