Monday, 20 March 2023

Not a mistake

I was in two minds about whether to post this here, knowing that it will provide fodder for the 'other side'. But what the hell. The delete button is working overtime these days. Dr Tess is a well respected truth seeker and has been on the right side all the way through. I listened to her words. They are not written by her, but she has a lovely speaking voice, full of love and compassion. She follows the doctors hipocratic oath of  'First do no harm.' As she read the words tears welled up, in her eyes and mine. I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't taken down by yoooootoooob. 
I am trying to keep my life evenly balanced. I had a lovely day yesterday, the sun was shining and I was free to go out and explore a new area. Today it is raining. The cats are fed and later on I will do my cat feeding duties for a friend who has gone away for a few days. I hope the rain stops for her and the sun comes out. 
I will post later on today when my video has uploaded, and I have edited the pics. Catch ya later. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Excellent video let the truth be spoken thank you for bringing it to my attention xx

    1. She reads it like a piece of poetry. Every word is meaningful.

  2. Thank you for posting ilona. For anyone interested in the author, Margaret Anna Alice, her Substack is here Sarah


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