Monday, 13 March 2023

Perfect sense.

 Forget about main stream media being a source for truthful and honest reporting, it is not. There is a growing band of independent journalists who are questioning everything and have the ability to put two and two together and make four. Their networking with like minded people is paying off. The real news is permeating throughout the internet at a fast rate. Those who are afraid of finding out the truth will mock those who are working to bring news from the coal face out into the open. 

Before the internet one had to rely on whatever was broadcast on the box in the corner of the room for their news, or words that were prepared overnight and appeared in print at the newsagents the next morning. Not so now. News can be out there bouncing off satellites and ending up in far flung places around the globe. Except of course those countries which have blocked their incoming and outgoing signals. 

I see juicy snippets all the time, and when they are interwoven into a blanket, it all makes perfect sense. 

Bernie has her finger on the pulse. They want you to get a smart phone.  

Bernie again. Australia - A recruitment advert for the Australian Army. 

Glenn Beck is on the ball with the Silicon Valley bank collapse. 

I will leave it at that. I appreciate that not everybody is interested in this topic. Come back later if you want to see more horses. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hi Ilona, I'm not sure I agree with you, but I would like to ask what makes you happy to believe people who post stuff on the internet, but not recognised sources, such as the World Health Organisation? This is a genuine question , and I would be interested in your reply. I'm Fat Dormouse, but posting as anonymous because I can't remember my URL!! 😃

    1. Hello. I don't read any old random stuff. After three years I have a pretty good handle on who is genuine and who is not. I didn't believe what the Government and the WHO were telling us, it didn't make sense to me. Virus's mutate, they are always there. You can't chase them away by jabbing the whole world. You don't jab healthy people, it should never have been mandated. There were perfectly good alternative treatments, which had been used mostly in India, and they gave good results. But big pharma said no, you can't use them you have to wait for the jab.
      The WHO are paid for by big pharma and big tech. They have made billions out of it. They in turn are owned by the richest people on earth, the banks. You can't look at the plandemic in isolation, it is part of a wider plan. It was never about health, it was always about control.
      The people I follow are real doctors who are now fighting to get compensation for all the thousands of vaxxx damaged people and families of those who have died.
      I have published a list of people I follow, it's on the Linkys page.
      I have put together a list of people who have been fighting our corner. No links, but goooogle their names and you will find lots of information about the work they are doing to protect our freedoms. These are some of the key players. This list needs updating because there are many more who have woken up to the truth.

      Dr Peter McCollough
      Ryan Cole MD
      Geert Van Den Bossche
      Catherine Austin Fitts
      Robert Malone
      Dr Kelly Victory
      Dr David Wiseman
      Pierre Kory
      Dr Aseem Malhotra
      Ron De Santis
      Dr Zoe Harcombe
      Dr Reiner Fuellmich
      Dr Jay Battacharya
      Dr James Thorpe MD
      Prof Dolores Cahill
      Martin Koldorf
      Neil Oliver
      Whitney Webb
      Dr Naomi Wolf
      Del Bigtree
      Tucker Carlson
      Christine Anderson MEP
      Jennifer Arcuri
      Dr Clare Craig
      Vandana Schiva

  2. I don't understand why people are still blind to what is happening around us. Why can't they join the dots? Well done Ilona for raising awareness.

    1. I think that people who have gone through life always complying with rules, always doing what they have been told to do, and never questioning anything, are failing to grasp that evil people will always push others to the ground and stamp on them to get what they want. It's the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest.

    2. Here is a video which illustrates your point.

  3. This is Norman Fenton who explains how the definition of vaxxed and unvaxxed were deliberately manipulated to demonise those who were never vaxxed, and to nudge people into getting boosters.

  4. The MRHA has stopped publishing cov-vaxx yellow card reports. Presumably because there are so many of them and the system has become overwhelmed. The Conservative Woman Reports.

  5. Thank you for your comprehensive reply. I'm still not convinced, but fine. We can agree to disagree! FD

    1. I am not trying to convince anybody, it's how I see it. What I do is pass on information that I read about and believe is right, as an antidote to the main stream media. People can believe what they like.

  6. Article in the Spectator Australia.

  7. On UK Column news today there was an interview with the German Minister of Health. Karl Lauterbach is concerned about how many people are suffering with serious debilitating side effects of the jab. He says that claims for compensation cannot be made from big pharma, the German Government will have to accept responsibility and pay out to the damaged people.
    Scroll through to 10 minutes for the interview. English sub titles.

    Interesting to watch a Ted Talk given by Mr Lauterbach in 2014. Reading the comments, he was not very well liked then.
    He was a pharma lobbyist before he became the German minister of health.
    See the video here.


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