Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Beside the seaside.

Hello. I've got a lot of catching up to do. Three days out and more photo's and videos to post. You'll have to be patient while get organised. I still have another post to do about Sundays day out at Consibrough. Yesterday I went to this place and car camped for one night. Have a look at the pics, do you know where I have been? 

This pic is a bit hazy because the sun was in the wrong place. 

I was on the top deck of a sight seeing tour bus when I took this one. 

There were boat trips around the bay. £5 for 20 minutes. 

Does anyone recognise these two doggies? Dougal and Ted. They belong to a famous yoootooober. All will be revealed. 
I am ready for bed now, so I'll say Toodle pip. See ya tomorrow.  ilona 


  1. Marianna Handy5 April 2023 at 02:47

    Thanks for the photos! Can't wait for the reveal!

    1. I need to travel a bit further afield to look for new places.

  2. The dogs belong to Andrew Ditton - I watch his videos a lot.

  3. I love your car camping trips I also think it might be Whitby x

  4. Wow, what a lovely place! I have no idea! Thank you for the photos. Hilogene in Az

    1. I tend to look for the unspoilt areas to visit.

  5. You visit the coolest places!

    1. The UK is a small country compared to others, but there are many more miles to explore.


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