Thursday, 13 April 2023

How much does cat food cost.

Here's another video I knocked up this morning. Might as well show the cat food for all you animal lovers. I think we all know owning animals can be a very expensive hobby. I suppose I could tell them to go out and catch their own food, but I have only ever seen one badly mauled mouse here, and a few feathers on the lawn. I think they would hop it and go and live somewhere else if I stopped feeding them. They have it dead easy here, the slave, (me), puts out a buffet selection each morning, with top ups during the day if I am here. Janet does the same if I am not here. I put some supper out if they want to eat overnight. 
I was itching to go a walk this afternoon, but what to wear? Is it cold enough for a heavy jacket with a furry hood, or a lighter jacket with several layers. I chose the furry hood. The wind was bitter, whipping across the fields. I turned my hearing aid off because the noise was too much. I walked in almost silence. The sun did come out on occasions, then I was too hot. 
When I got back home I was back to being cold again, couldn't stop shivering. Heating on and a drink of hot lemon and honey helped to warm me up. I am feeling my age a bit now. I'm glad I didn't commit to walking another 1000 miles. It's nice not to have that pressure. 
Now I am going to relax for the last hour before bed time. Thanks for popping in. Catch ya soon.
Toodle pip.   ilona

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