Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Looking up

 Things are looking up. Day five and this Convid bug thingy has fizzled out. I have slept a lot, and sat around doing nothing. Easing myself gently back into normal life. Steady little tasks that take very little effort. Put dirty washing into machine and hang on line when it's done. Spud in the microwave with grated cheese. Porridge with a banana. Simple food. Did a bit of hand sewing today, and put the wheelie bin out at the front gate. Fed the cats myself. Nothing too taxing. 

I want to keep up this steady slower pace of life, so the plan is to eliminate anything that creates stress. The only time I will be checking on what is going on with the current situation, is to keep myself up to date. Anyone else who is interested in that subject should do their own research. For three years I have shared links to articles and videos, which never make it onto main stream media. 

I have no regrets. I knew from the start that the whole WEF, WHO, the Pandemic, The Climate Crisis, The War, Build Back Better, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and Globalisation, was all built on lies. And so it will continue. The Western World do not have leaders, they are under orders from the Bankers, Big Tech, and Big Pharma. The most powerful are evil psychopaths and they will stop at nothing. 

There are a lot of good people fighting for democracy, for our freedoms. I hope they carry on. 

Bye for now.    ilona 

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