Thursday, 6 April 2023

Meet up in Whitby.

Good morning. It's Thursday and I am catching up with blog posts. As two people mentioned on a previous post, this is indeed Dougal on the left and Ted on the right. I met up with Andrew Ditton at Whitby Railway Station. He is in Yorkshire doing some filming for his channel and came on the train from Pickering where he is staying on a camp site. 
I have been following Andrew for a few years. His passion is camping, caravans, motorhomes, camp sites, ferry crossings, and good places to visit. I watched his How to Hebrides series which inspired me to take a holiday there. Here is the first of six videos to get you started if you are thinking of travelling there. I have to warn you that once you start watching you will be thinking can I do this. 
After a good old chinwag over a coffee for me and tea for Andrew, we had to say goodbye, as he caught the train back to Pickering. I am so pleased that he found time in his busy schedule to meet up with me. He is just as nice in real life as he is in his videos. His channel has over 600 videos, the link is here
I still had some time left on my parking ticket so off I went on a walkabout. I have been here before, and anyone who comes knows that they have to take the 199 steps up to the Abbey and the church. It's compulsory. For those unable to take the steps there is a road you can drive along to get there. 
There are seats positioned at intervals along the side of the steps, so if you need to catch your breath you can rest a while. When you go up stop for a few seconds and look back. The views are glorious. 
This is a photograph I took from the top deck of the tour bus, which I went on the following day. 
The Youth Hostel is close by, I have stayed there several times. 

The view out to sea from the churchyard.

Then it was time to move the car, my parking ticket was soon to expire. I needed to find a parking spot for the night, preferably free. On the other side of the town is the West Promenade. Plenty of parking on the side of the road along there. I drove right to the end away from the Cook monument and found the end of the parking which required a ticket. There were five of six spaces beyond the disc parking scheme. That will do nicely. There was time to go for a walk along the Promenade and the beach. 

I had brought food with me, plus a quiche I bought from the Co op. As it was getting dark I got into my bed. I kept my clothes on apart from the trousers. No point in stripping off just to get cold. I slept well under my duvet. and woke with the sun streaming in at 7am. 

There are more Whitby pics to come and another video. I'll post them tomorrow. Thanks for popping in. 
Toodle pip. 


  1. Whitby is gorgeous. Where are you heading next?

    1. I have a plan for June, but something will happen before that. This Whitby trip was only confirmed 12 hours before it happened.


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