Thursday, 24 August 2023

The bells are ringing in Skipton

It was 3pm when I left the Art Show. They were due to close at 4pm, and after everyone had left the building they were going to close the gates. I thought it best to move the car, so I didn't get locked in. I drove a few minutes to the town centre and found a car park. Time for a look around before I go home. 
The sun had brought everybody out, it was buzzing with activity. People spilling out of the pubs, music blasting out, and people strolling along the canal. The cruise boats were up and down, and I saw several day hire boats out with people partying on board.  

I strolled up the High street towards the Castle. Memories of previous visits came back to me. The church bells were deafening. The Castle had closed it's gates for the day. 

It was a relief to go inside for ten minutes. As much as I like church bells, these were extremely loud. Once inside it was quiet. 

Close by is the Town Hall. 

You've seen the pics, now watch the video. You might need to turn the volume down, or wear ear plugs. 
A perfect end to a perfect weekend. A straight run home, not much traffic on the southbound side of the motorway, but there was a massive traffic jam on the northbound, due to the Leeds festival. 
We are coming up to the Bank Holiday Weekend. I will stay local, the roads will be extra busy.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. There's a Green Man carved up in the rafters in the church, Ilona. Going back to pagan days , when the church was new. It's 10 years since we went to the first Yarnale ( its on next week. I expect you know) Really busy as there was a puppet festival going on at the canal basin as well. Everywhere was heaving, haha. We managed to get bowl of soup and cobs at the church hall but that was full as well. so we sat at tables outside. No chance of a pub meal! But a lovely sunny day.Enjoyed it.

  2. Debi from Leicester.Your photos of Skipton canal bought back happy memories of walking down there myself,but the boats then were not so busy because it was near Christmas time and I think their owners were staying nice and cozy aboard them.Those church bells were amazing though!!!.I love the sound of them.Why have I got a sudden thought that Terry Miles once played that piano at a small service type thingy,lol?......Ive just got a feeling,although its maybe a few years back now ...that Terry played in a church?,It maybe just me seeing a piano and thinking Terry!!.Anyway thank you for a lovely video again!xx

  3. I can still here those bells after the video has finished ha ha x


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