Monday 18 September 2023

Back to home life.

 Good morning. Phew, that was the week that was. I slept extremely well in my home made camper car, ten hours every night. Early to bed when it got dark, stealthy, lights out, hidden under the duvet. Awake at first light, coffee, flannel wash in a bowl of water, ready to face the world. The sea air was a tonic, I felt so much fresher, so much more alive. 

The cats were well chuffed to see me, especially Mayze, demanding cuddles. The boys say, oh, you're back, and do their own thing once they have eaten. It's thanks to Janet for looking after the place while I was away. Looks like there has been some heavy rain during the night. Mayze is outside on the table, her usual place for overseeing who enters the garden. I have the water heating up for a good soak in the bath, I am a bit smelly. 

I met some very nice people while away, they were all chatty, and I see that I have messages from them. Amazing that someone shouts hello to me from a car window, and I find that they know me from what I post online. Even more amazing that a long term follower just happened to be at the same petrol station as me, washing her car, where I was camping for the night. I had a lovely chat with Darren who was working on renovating windows at a thatched cottage. There was a lady who was seeing her sister off on the floating bridge. Dressed up sister was going to cross the water for a night out. I chatted to a lady who was watching a queue of people snaking their way around a Waitrose store. I asked her why they were queuing. She said they were waiting to go into the medical centre to get their flu/covid jabs. She had an appointment but had decided she couldn't stand that long, and would book another more convenient  appointment. There was a lady I met in a park, lovely chat with her. Oh, and apologies if I have missed anyone. The Isle of Wight is a friendly place. 

Someone is watching me. A news item popped up on my screen this morning. Redcar up in the North East has a problem with accommodating motorhomes and campervans. The council are trying to keep residents and campers happy and work out a compromise to suit all. It seems to me that some people are resorting to holidaying at home, such is the deterrent to flying off to other parts of the world. All those nasty emissions. The van life fraternity are exploring new options. Some use their vans for cheap accommodation while holidaying, some have resorted to selling up and moving full time into a van. I parked in a place for two overnights. Fort Victoria has a big area, it's close to the sea, it has public toilets, the cleaning crew turned up every morning at 7am, and it's free. Both nights the same 7 or 8 vans were there. Apparently the council allow that because it stops the toilets from being vandalised. I don't know what Redcar can do. They need to look at other models. 

Anyway, now I'm going to get scrubbed up. Blog posts will be as and when, as will video uploads. Hope to have it all covered in a week.   

Thanks for popping in. Pathetic sarcastic trolls need not bother. Toodle pip.   ilona  


  1. Hi - great to see you back in 'blogland' - you were missed there too. Good to know you enjoyed your break.

  2. Lovely to see you back. Would love to visit the Isle of Wight sometime soon. Will have to get a move on and do things before old age catches up with me. lol

    1. That's what I think. Best do it before time runs out.

  3. So that was you I saw walking down Cowes High St. Glad you found us Islanders a friendly lot 😊

  4. Very brave camping in your car. I like my comforts and a nearby toilet too much to do that!

    1. After years of sleeping in a lorry cab, I am used to it. I know it's not for everyone.

  5. Woo Hoo Mother!!! Glad to see you!! You have been missed. Can’t wait to see all the great sites. Welcome home 🏡 🤗🚙⛺️

  6. Maybe you should pay if you want to stay someone in your car or motorhome. Some places are overrun with them and can cause social issues and litter.

    1. I will pay a reasonable amount for an overnight park up.

  7. Debi from Leicester.Like Tammy Lynn have been missed!.But you have had a well deserved brake and good for you.We were lucky when ever we went to the Isle of Wight cause my hubby had a relative that lived there and 2 days while we were there,he picked us up and drove us to the parts of the island that didnt have so many tourist there.Although he lived there,he also had an off grid holiday chalet there.Shanklin and Ventnor where a couple of my most favourite places.xx


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