Sunday 4 February 2024

'Me' time.

 A quick in and out. I am having a computer detox. Not sure how long it will last. My research has reached it's conclusion. There has been several times when I thought I had the whole thing sussed, then something else came up which added another layer. The information coming out now will be more of the same, and it will end with the downfall of the West. 

I wish I could blame everything that has happened on the incompetence of our Governments, but I can't. They have been bought. They are carrying out the orders of their paymasters. 

There is still a long way to go, it's a gradual process. I suggest that you all start building your own communities. Watch the videos I mentioned on the previous post, and check out Whitney Webb. Turn off your TV's. The main stream media is just regurgitated lies. 

Clocking off now for some 'me' time. See ya later. Toodle pip. ilona

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