Monday, 4 March 2024

Joined up writing.

Good morning. The sun is shining through the back window, which shows I haven't cleaned them for a long time. A job I must do soon.
No Crafty Club today. There is work going on at the Village Hall which may be very noisy due to equipment being used to rectify the problem. So I will sit here and get on with my next arty project. 
I have just finished this piece. A nine inch hoop with lots of wooden bits and bobs, which were supposed to be assembled to make a clock. My friends gave up with it when they broke one of the pieces. They passed them on to me and said, can you do something with this. 
I used felt tip pens to colour them. I first stitched them onto a dark fabric background with matching cotton thread. Then I blitzed it with embroidery thread to add more contrasting colours. At that stage I wondered if it was finished. Then I came up with the idea of joining the pieces together with running stitches in yellow. It brings all the loose pieces together, a bit like joined up writing that we learnt in junior school. 

It is covered at the back with a piece of dark blue felt, hiding all the messy bits. It was fun to do. I like the idea of working with limited resources. First visualising what the finished article might look like, and making changes along the way to achieve something pleasing to the eye. I think every creative person will understand that. It's like a journey with minimal planning, which hopefully will work out. 

The back window will not get cleaned today, because Mayze has just decided make camp there. I haven't the heart to move her. She is increasingly losing her marbles and is totally deaf. She has started to go out into the garden now the weather is improving. 

Happy Monday everybody. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. How beautiful. You are very talented. Thanks for sharing these pics

    1. Thank you. I hope it gives people ideas for their own arts and crafts.

  2. What a beautiful piece of art you have created! I hope that your neck and shoulder pain is healing by now and not causing you new discomfort. All the best.
    Margaret in Canada

    1. Thank you Margaret. My shoulder feels a lot better now. I don't know what caused it but it has eased off by itself.

  3. What a joyful piece of art! It shows that you can do something beautiful with any thing, if you have a creative mind.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Thank you Hilde. I have had the little wooden pieces for over a year. People give me stuff and say make something with this. Sometimes I come up with an idea, but sometimes nothing comes to mind and I have to pass the stuff on. A friend has just given me a big bag of matchsticks. You can buy them for model making. Now I have to think of an idea for them.

  4. Hi Ilona, absolutely one of your best! Hope you are well.I'm glad you have started allowing comments again. Its a shame not to be able to comment as you make such lovely things and folks do like you to know. ( understand why you stop comments sometimes tho) Have a good day.Caz in Derby. xx

    1. Thank you Caz. I think it is rather lovely. Vibrant colours give me a lift. Only two nit picking moaning comments so far.


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