Wednesday, 20 March 2024

What are my kitties doing.

Good morning. We awake to wet mist this morning.
The little table project is finished. This is the shelter for the hedgehog food. It sits outside the back door and keeps the dry food dry. It rained overnight and the food was gone this morning. Dollops of hedgie poo indicated who had eaten it. I have to poo pick the whole garden so I don't stand in it. I can see the table from inside the house so I can replenish if they decide to have a munching party. 
The old wonky metal legs are gone, replaced with wood. Make do and mend. 
Lunch yesterday was mushrooms, spinach, and rice noodles that you get from the chiller cabinet at Aldi. Chuck in a few spices, I like garlic, and a spoonful of caramelised onion chutney. Quick and easy. 

How are the kitties getting on? 
Must dash. Need to wash hair before I go to the Coffee Morning. 
Stay Happy. Toodle pip.   ilona

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