Saturday 29 June 2024

Please can I have some more.

My time is taken up with making art and crafts, walking for exercise, walking a friends dog, litter picking, looking after cats, shopping, days out and holidays, working in the garden, two morning coffee clubs a week, working on the computer, research, blogging and yoootooob. Phew, I like to be busy.
People want more videos. It's nice to be appreciated for my efforts.
Always a delight when your post pops up on my list!
It's a breath of fresh air when we hear from you llona.
Love your channel and blog. Followed you for many years now and like your wise words.
I enjoy your videos not only for the places you show us, but you are calming and reassuring in a hectic world.
As an armchair I really enjoy your car camping trips.
Love your channel and blog. Followed you for many years now and like your wise words.
Happy Saturday morning. It's a bit drizzly, hope it brightens up a bit.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. I love your hair Ilona - You look great x

  2. Would like another of your food shopping videos please.

  3. As you probably know I follow you on both here and YouTube. I am always excited when you have a new post. You are a woman on the go. And your mind is always on the go for your next task or adventure. Your enthusiasm for life is very exciting. I am sure that’s why people want more. But after years of following, I completely understand this your life and you want to be free to post what you want whenever you want. That’s what is so fantastic about retirement! Finally living your own life. Which be the way I will be retiring 31st of July!!!! Woo Hoo!!
    I remember reading a post on your blog many years ago and you were walking through a field I think and could see the highway. You noticed a lorry like you drove going down the road and all the other cars rushing to work. And you said you just smiled because that was no longer you, you were now FREE!!! What a fabulous feeling, I can hardly wait to experience that. So I completely understand not wanting to be tied to a video or blog were you feel pressured to produce content.
    Keep doing what you want mother!!! It’s your life and you live it to the fullest!!!

  4. Indeed, it looks like you're a very busy person, and that perfectly suits your personality.

    1. The only time I sit down is in front of this computer. My brain never closes down. I am now thinking, that hedge out there need a bit of trimming, on my neighbours side. I need to do a bit of weeding to keep things tidy.


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