Thursday, 5 September 2024


 The recent negative comments have all been consigned to the dustbin. I was going to answer some of them but why should I. My conscience is clear. There is no need to rake up the inconsequential words from those who are on a different journey to me. You must go your way, and I must follow my own chosen path in life. 
I have often said that you can't change how people think, how they act, and what they say. That is true to a certain extent. Mind you, people have the capacity to change their minds, if their conscience indicates that they might find a better way of approaching a subject. 
So, if you can't change other people's mindset, you can change how you deal with it. I was pleasantly surprised that this message is part of the Buddhist teachings. This video aroused my curiosity. How can I make things better for myself.
I don't follow any religion, because I believe everyone has the capacity to control their own destiny. To understand this may require a change of mindset. Something that will come easy to some people who are already half way there. But will be a mountain to climb if they cannot visualise how they might start to make that journey. 
It seems to me that the Buddhist teachings are the direct opposite to the Globalisation that is being forced upon us at the moment. To distance oneself from from the masses with a herd mentality takes courage. No one like to be seen as an outsider. There is comfort to be had to embed yourself into a group. 
As I see it, Buddhism is a method to search within yourself to find an inner peace. It's about having the confidence to search for answers internally rather than externally. 
Since watching this video, and there are many more like it, the confidence in my own judgement is slowly rising. I have the choice of who I communicate with. If and when people look into this they may find that to brush away the anger and hate will reveal a much better life. It's a long journey. 
I was going to publish the offending comments but there is no point. I am not responsible for how people think and how they react. All I can say is that their anger and hate belongs to them, it is they who are suffering, not me. 
Another important message is, 'Live with an attitude of Gratitude'. 
All the best. Thank you for popping in.   ilona


  1. I have always appreciated your thoughts on what has been going on in the world, Your country and mine. It's a difficult time for people, in general, and everyone has an opinion. There doesn't seem to be room for compromise anymore. Don't ever stop speaking (writing) your mind. It still has the capacity to make others at least think, whether they agree or not. Seeing another view can have the power to open ones eyes. Ranee (MN) USA

    1. I am at peace with myself and have a happy life. It would be nice if others could look within themselves for contentment in their own lives.

  2. I always think a good saying is: ‘other people’s judgements have nothing to do with you’.

    1. People can believe what they like. None of my business. I am a fair person, I used to try and reason with those who had a different opinion, but it got me nowhere. Not any more. I am content with where I am.

    2. I have begun to realise that people often have to work it out for themselves, that they don’t take kindly to discussion of things outwith their own beliefs. The video is very good.

    3. If people want to discuss they can write their own blog.

  3. Good for you I always read but never comment so carry on doing what you always do and do well if I may say so Kate

    1. Thank you. My mission is to encourage peace and contentment. It is achievable if one would let go of the resentment felt when comparing how others live their lives. Negativity is destructive, positivity can be constructive.

  4. I totally agree with Rae. If these people were open to a civil discussion that would be one thing. But they are only going to sling hateful rhetoric with the intent to upset and get anger inside one’s head. You are correct it is they who are suffering. They have spent their time, energy and blood pressure only for you to be able to get rid of them with just one click DELETE!!! And that takes a split second and you can continue on in your happiness and peaceful life. Keep on keeping on mother!!!! We are always here for you!!! 😊😊

    1. I have often said this is not a forum. It is my own personal diary about how I live my life. No one has to agree or disagree with me. Some people are naturally confrontational. That is something they must sort out for themselves.

    2. If it is indeed a personal diary, don’t allow any comments

  5. Actually Tammy Ray - that is not always the case. Ilona does not like it when people disagree with her and provide their reasons for disagreement - even when done in a respectful and polite manner. She doesn’t show the comments and then talks about people being on a different journey to her. Unfortunately a lot of what Ilona believes is not true. I rather like James O’Brien’s way of putting it “ your opinion, does not trump my fact”

    1. Then why do you show up and read her blog? If you disagree why keep coming back??

    2. Becki why do you feel the need to keep coming back when you know that we are on different paths? Why does it bother you that I don't think the same as you do? You can believe what you like, and so can I. There is nothing to discuss. Please block me from your mind and get on with your life.

  6. Disdain and prejudice towards the transgender community needs to be called out .

  7. Another anonymous6 September 2024 at 03:14

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    1. I can't control what you say, but I can control how I deal with it. An anger management course, maybe?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. You need to sort out why you are so bitter. You might have a better life if you calm down.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Denise from Manchester6 September 2024 at 23:53

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  11. False accusations and bullying are part of life for some people. Sadly they thrive on it. I do not have to deal with it. Their problem not mine.

  12. Love this! I started visiting my local buddhist centre here inSpain some years ago, so much wisdom to be gained from them! When in need of down to earth advice, I always turn to them. As you quite rightly say, everybody if on theifr on path and you'll never change the haters. Greetings from Barcelona!! Díana

    1. Hello Diana. As you can see I am still learning to ignore the haters. I wonder how long it will take for them to catch on that I am not interested in their troubles. I will look for a Buddhist group in my area.


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