Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Let's go shopping.

Good evening. A brief chat about what I did today. I went to the Post Office to pay my Council Tax. Then I recorded this video. I set it to upload on yoootooob while I went shopping. 
I went in search of paint for the Summerhouse. I found some which may not be enough to do the whole thing, but it will give me a start. The small tester pots were 25p each. The tins were 38p each. Pity there were only three suitable colours in those. Red, white, and blue will give it a patriotic look. 
I had a look in the big charity shop for paint, they didn't have any. Might as well have a rummage in the £1 clothing baskets while I am here. Found me a new frock. 
Shall I try it on. Perfect fit. Don't know when I am going to wear it though. I thought I might cut it down and make a skirt. Maybe not. I will have to go to a party, or wait till the summer next year. 
I ended up at Aldi and spent £59 on food. Everyone was going through the scan yourself tills, except me. I asked for a person till to be opened. A nice young man came and served me. 
Dinner tonight was a mixed grill. Couldn't be bothered to cook. A Quorn sausage, two Quorn nuggets, one hash brown, and nine potato wedges. With a cheese and garlic dip. 
Now it's chill time. Mayze wants a cuddle. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Haven't got one.29 October 2024 at 22:22

    It would be a shame to cut that dress up. It really suits you and is a perfect fit. It would be nice for Christmas, perhaps with a cardi that picks out one of the colours.
    Please do tell me where you can get tester pots at that price! I can see the name but our local Wilco shut down a year ago. I've heard of the other brand but don't know who sells them.

    1. When Wilko announced that they were going to close their stores I went in our local branch in town and asked if they would be selling their stock off cheaply. She said no, everything would be packed up and sent to another shop. I took that to mean one of their own branches in another town. Then I began to see the Wilko brand name in The Range, so I reckon they have bought all the Wilko stock. If you have The Range, have a look in there. The tins I found in a painting and decorating shop. Can't remember the name. Ask in any shop, tell them what you are looking for. They may have some odd discontinued colours in the back.

  2. The dress looks lovely on you Ilona !

  3. Providing free health care to millions and millions of people is something the UK can be proud of. Of course there are always going to many who are frustrated with the wait times and bureaucracy. But I feel confident that if ever I was in a serious accident there are going to be doctors and nurses ready to assist and save my life.

    1. I would hope that any of us could get help if we were in a life threatening situation. I will keep my fingers crossed should I find myself in that position.

  4. Your new dress really suits you and you have an amazing figure. I wouldn’t cut it into a skirt as I think it will be perfect with leggings and ankle boots. I hope you manage to find some more paint for the summerhouse makeover.

    1. Thank you. I took your advice and wore it with leggings and boots, to the Coffee Morning. I put a pink cardy over the top of it. I had a lot of compliments.

  5. I really like your hair Ilona - and the dress is great too - I seem to be wearing more dresses now over leggings or trousers as there are more bargains in charity shops of dresses that catch my eye - Plus my bottom half looks unfamiliar to me recently x

    1. I'm not really a dress person, but I like this one.

  6. You have such a great figure, I think you are a true testament of moving and not eating to the extreme really is a big answer to staying healthy. The dress is lovely on you.

  7. Your new-to-you dress looks lovely and fits perfectly. Save it for a nice outing!!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.