Friday, 18 October 2024

Shopped to death

Fakery is everywhere. You can't believe what you are seeing. A few of my photo's tweaked to within an inch of their lives. All I did was pile on the contrast, and the saturation. With the right programme they could be manipulated into anything you want to see. The human eye can be fooled into believing anything.  These could be printed off, framed, and sold as copies of original artworks. The photographer being the original artist. David Hockney produces something similar painting straight onto his i-pad. I can cheat by doing it this way.  I like Hockney's work and I like the way these have turned out. 

Play with your computer to see what you can produce. 

Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. Just playing with pictures. I think too much AI manipulation is taking us into the realms of fantasy. We should not lose sight of reality.


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