Friday, 8 November 2024

Another Summerhouse update

I did a five mile walk today but the camera didn't come out of the bag. The weather was dull, damp, and dismal, so nothing to tempt me to take a photo. I did the walk much quicker due to not stopping. I still haven't sussed how to upload and store photo's on the computer. However I have got the hang of transferring videos onto yoootooob. I recorded this one yesterday, uploaded it today, a few clicks and it goes straight onto a new blog post. Then I add some words. 
Nothing much else to talk about today. The days are so short now, there's hardly time to do anything much apart from pottering around the house, pandering to the cats wishes, are you going to give us some food, and sewing if I have time. 
Have a good weekend. Catch ya soon. Toodle pip.  ilona  


  1. Haven't got one.9 November 2024 at 01:49

    Liked the tour of your summer house and particularly your cane chair, it looks so comfy. You must be in a very sheltered area for your summer house to stand up to the winter gales of recent years. I've lost several trees but then I do live in the countryside and am surrounded by fields. How lovely that your kitty joined the video.
    The cat shelters are a good touch, but the cushions must get damp in winter. A lady who worked for the CPL once told me that in the shelters they had for the feral cat colonies they fed, they used straw.
    You've done amazing things with doors wouldn't it be possible to put one on your summer house with a cat flap in?
    We put a cat entrance in our shed, the shed contained only things that were safe for cats and safely stored, and there were two dining chairs and a cat basket.
    More cat and summer house videos in the future please.

    1. Hello. I usually take my cushions out in the winter and store them in the house. Maybe now is the time to do that. There is a sort of cat flap in the heavy plastic curtain I have for a door. I can leave the right hand bottom corner slightly open. Cats will find it if they are looking. Indeed I did have a cat camping out in there for a while, then it started coming into the house.

  2. Haven't got one.9 November 2024 at 01:51

    PS. The shower curtain looks good.

    1. Yes it does. I will leave it up for the winter to test it's longevity during the colder months. I may take it down in the spring and repaint under it, and to let more light inside when I want to sit in it.

    2. Haven't got one.9 November 2024 at 12:16

      I take my summer house cushions into the house in late autumn, make sure they are thoroughly warmed up and dry, then seal them in black bin bags and return them to the summer house for storing. Saves cluttering up the house. When I mentioned damp cushions, I was thinking of the cat ones in the winter, or are they brought in too?

  3. OMG people have every right to be worried about the USA results .
    Yes Trump won. But ?????
    People voted for a rapist , racist and misogynist to be President.

    1. You let yourself down badly with this comment. A true reflection of who you really are.

  4. You are a talented lady Ilona all the things you can do the summerhouse is great.Lovley to see handsome oscar what a beauty.My cat Rodney has started to very gently swipe my ankles when he wants me to open the fridge chicken is his favouritex

    1. Hello Jo. Oscar is a bit too fat. He wraps himself around my legs so I have to walk very carefully to make sure I don't trip up. It is lovely to watch how a cats personality develops over the years. He has never been to the vets while he has been here. Don't know how I will get him into a box if he has to go. He appears to be healthy.

  5. Refugee daughter9 November 2024 at 10:29

    Can’t believe your reply to “annoymous “
    How can you possibly believe Trump should be President ? I agree with anonymous.

    1. You can believe anything you like Lady, or is it Sir? Hard to tell these days.

    2. Trump is a liar and a rapist.

  6. I fear for us all, so much anger and hatred
    Be kind to each other is all I ask but that seems to be too much to ask for

    1. It's a nice dream, but it is only a dream. The reality is different. People choose their tribes, they veer towards those they feel a connection with. Tribes have leaders. It is their job to keep followers inline, to maintain some kind of order. Some will resent this and stray away from the main body to form their own tribes. The bigger tribes grow into cults, and those lower down will fall into line with their leaders. Those with the most money will work to quash those lower down. Quite simply they have no use for the serfs.

      Those with very little money usually get used to being at the bottom of the pile, until they see that others are doing better than them. Then they revolt. Those at the very top see this as an opportunity to destabilise a country that gets in their way.

      The appetite for earning more money spills over into crime. Small businesses are legislated out of business. They can no longer navigate through the plethora of restrictions which are put into place by greedy Governments who are taking their orders from the very top.

      Mr T is pretty smart, but one cannot rule out that he, and any of the other richest people on earth, is not part of the depopulation programme.

      Somewhere in the middle of the richest and the poorest are those who have spent their lives working hard towards a comfortable retirement, with enough to pass on to their children and grandchildren. To see all this shrinking before their very eyes must be disheartening.

      We have to wait and see what happens next. To all those tearing their hair out, and I have seen some mega rants, all the cursing and swearing will not put a stop to the WEF surging forward with their Great Reset plans. What might delay them is if we all stop fighting each other, and recognise who the enemy is. We should be coming together. Open borders is not the solution, and will create even more resentment and division.

    2. Ilona you have it nailed down 110%.

  7. It's not a dream Ilona, kindness is everyone's gift to give. It starts with our own individual values and actions every day. Those that want to can make a difference even if its to one person.


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