Thursday, 7 November 2024

No comment

 Good morning. I suppose I ought to say something about the shenanigans across the pond. I will stand back and watch from afar, and let others throw themselves into the lions den on blogs which allow meaningful discussions. As per usual discussions always erupt into slanging matches. The divide is real and never the twain shall meet. I will not be refereeing such altercations, I can find better uses for my time. 

Trying to balance things out and include points of view from both sides is almost impossible. Boiling point is reached as the volume is pumped up by those who shout loudest, and boy do they shout loudly across the pond. To respond to to a statement in a rational way just opens the floodgates for more spitting and hissing. 

A couple of comments came into Johns blog during the night which offered a different perspective on the turmoil going on. Both from Anonymous. One at 3.18am, and the other at 6.49am. If someone takes the time of composing a different point of view in a rational way, then conversations would have a chance of achieving something. But sadly, anger takes over as fingers dart across the keyboard. Knee jerk reactions are a way of offloading frustrations when things are not going the right way. 

So, after the waters have calmed a little maybe we can stop fighting. Maybe we can close the ever widening gap between two sides, and turn our attentions to eliminating those who really want to cause us harm. The Globalist Cult are laughing their socks off. Let's kick them into touch and say no thanks, no more. 

I've got a bit of catch up news which has come to my attention. I'll put it out later. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I am a complete no comment person on political matters. Yes I have my convictions of what seems the right direction, but like ALL controversial subjects I’m not going to argue with anyone. They are not going to change my mind and I will not change theirs. ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻

    1. Marlane here from California. Well I have just been trashed by my two step grand daughters and their mother for calling them on their blatant pointing out of lies about Trump. For example saying he wanted to have sex with his own daughter... What !

  2. Amen to what you wrote! I keep telling people this is a time we are called to reach out in love, kindness and understanding. Lynn Ewing Pecos, NM USA

  3. Thank you Tammy, Marlane, and Lynn. Fighting each other will not solve anything. Be strong ladies. We are all different and have different points of view. Name calling and verbal abuse is horrible. Bullying will be the downfall of democracy. Thank you for your comments.

  4. Marlane here Thank you for your acknowledgement Ilona.


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