There will now be a short interlude while I interrupt the flow of joyful musings, and insert this controversial post.
UK politics are crumbling. The latest fall out in the Reform Party is down to double standards within the party members. Rupert Lowe has been banned, thrown out, stitched up, because of his straightforward joining of the dots. Others want to gag him in case it upsets the applecart. It is becoming apparent that Nigel likes to be top dog and doesn't want the truth to come out in case it undermines his perceived authority. He is losing credibility because of this infighting.
It is inevitable that when groups of people get together, for whatever reason, there will be friction between it's members. The common good seems to fly out of the window when individual ego's have been compromised. There is a strive for power going on, in all walks of life, whether it be political or personal. Some people want to be top dogs, others are content to be followers.
In the case of Rupert v Nigel, one is for deportation of criminals who have embedded themselves within our communities, the other is to look the other way to supress any conflicts. Moral standards differ between cultures.
My own opinion is, from a western brought up perspective, you don't turn up in another country and expect, nay demand, that the natives accept you, and allow you to act in a similar way as you would do in the country you came from. It's about respecting the law of the land.
Read Rupert Lowe's statement. and watch his video, and read the following comments. Then make up your own mind. I am not looking for comments on this story here. You don't have to declare which side you are on. I am looking at this from a middle ground.
Now getting ready for Coffee Morning. Catch ya later, with an arty treat. Toodle pip. ilona
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