Friday, 7 March 2025

Horrible people

And the mud slinging goes on. It flares up, then it dies down a bit. Then it comes back. Say a few words that somebody doesn't like, doesn't agree with, and the whole cycle starts again. Discussions die before they get going. People are volatile. People are desperate. People are despairing, and they retaliate with anger. We are living in a pressure cooker. 
I don't mind a rant now and again, as long as it clears the air. But non stop moaning, bickering, and sniping pours fuel onto smouldering embers igniting another flare up. What is going on in the world has been carefully choreographed to produce maximum disruption to ordinary everyday life. Don't allow the actions of others spoil your life.  
The gulf widens and will never be breached in our lifetime. It's time to pull up the drawbridge. Call me all the names you like, it makes no difference to me. Fester in your own vindictive thoughts, they will eat you alive. 
Praise be to those who recognise that personal achievements are not dependent on others. That their own convictions will give them strength to live their best life. Health, wealth, and happiness is to be found in your own mind.    
I came across this video. Christopher is spot on with what he says. He talks about horrible people and how we have to distance ourselves from situations where we encounter negative vibes. The positives are always there if we look. 
Some positive news. Last night I saw a hedgehog eating the food I had put out. The first one of the year. It looked a healthy size and after eating it wandered off in the same direction as it did last year. 
Have a good weekend. Make a plan, go out, the weather is picking up here in the east side of the UK. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Ilona the horrid ones out there will never dull your shine and happy outlook there just wasting there own time yes I've seen this man's blog he talks a lot of sense I agree distance yourself from negativityxx

    1. Jo, I despair. There is so much more to life than calling each other names. Such wasted energy could be put to better use. Grown ups acting like spoilt children is not conducive to a healthy and happy life. I try and explain but people have made their mind up. Best to walk away from those who wish to drag you down. xxx

  2. I will never understand why some people have nothing better to do than reading things they don´t like and then start insulting and offending. Why is it important to them to convince people they have never met and will never meet? Do they really think their "truth" is so important that nobody can live without it? They remind me a bit of the missionaries of former times who also thought they brought the true religion to the poor heathens. But at least these meant well.
    I have stopped reading some blogs because I could not agree with what I read there. But I never would waste my time ranting and scolding there.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. I don't understand either. The insults and name calling are getting worse. Those who use such derogatory language and insults to reference someone they hate, let themselves down. I try and reason with them but I am wasting my time. The only language they know is to attack. The name calling aimed towards Mr Trump is shocking. I shall watch from the sidelines but keep well away in future. Thank you Hilde for your comment.

  3. Ilona
    Your views are your view
    I don’t judge them on my blog but others will
    That’s the way of the world .

    1. They are indeed, John. You can be rest assured that I won't be visiting your blog again. I am taking the advice of Christopher in the video. That will relieve you of the burden of refereeing the trolls who follow me around.

  4. Debi from Leicester.Good morning Ilona!.Still here,still reading and watching your videos.So I thought that I would grab this chance to comment and wish you a lovely weekend.The sun is shining here in Leicester and I hope it is for you too!xx

  5. I always think of this when nastiness happens - ‘Hate is a very powerful emotion. Why waste it on someone you don’t like?’ Wishing you a lovely, sunny weekend, Ilona. I enjoy the variety, creativity and thought-provoking content of your blog.


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