I've had a busy day today. This morning I got the bus to Asda, it comes past the end of my road so it's practically a door to door service, and it's free, so I might as well use it if only to keep the driver in a job. I had a good scout round, first to the shelves in the top left hand corner to look for reduced prices, nothing I fancied there and not cheap enough. I found a good deal on mature cheese, 500grm for £2, better than the 400grm I picked up last week for the same price. Fresh salmon caught my eye, I only buy this if it is reduced, so from £3.34 down to £1.67, I picked up a couple of packets, one to eat now and one for the freezer. I got cabbage reduced from 68p to 25p, carrots 37p, fruity snack bars reduced to 5p, plus a few other items.
I must admit I did spend a lot of time chatting to people about prices, a lovely old couple in their 80's who drove their car there, a nice lady assistant who was reducing some prices, and I pointed a couple in the direction of the reduced salmon, anything to help my fellow shoppers. I have decided that a good way to cut down on your supermarket spending is to chat to a lot of people, make it a social occasion, then you run out of time, especially if you have a bus to catch.

After a quick lunch at home, I took my friends dog a walk. Then off to the Blood Donor session in town in my car. It was very busy, but I was prepared to wait to get my free drink and biscuits. I was instantly recognised by another donor who sat next to me, a friendly chat helped to pass the time. Then I had a lovely surprise, one of the nurses came over to me to introduce herself, her name badge said Ilona. I was chuffed, I have been looking for another Ilona for all of my life and up untill today I have never met one face to face. Like me she hated her name when she was younger, and like me she now likes it. I asked her to say it and she said it like all English people, but I say it with a German accent just as my mother taught me, and no one I have met has been able to copy it.
As I was not far from Morrisons I thought it was a good opportunity to call in and get my cat litter, I never like to drive to one place and back again, preferring to do two or more errands in one journey. I had also noticed a special offer on spicy beanburgers, advertised in the leaflets that come through the door, oh yes, I do read them. 80p for four, that's 20p for one, plus some veg, a very cheap meal. I had a scan round to see if any more of my favourites were on offer, I am sure I have radar on my head which draws me towards the bargains. Quorn fillets £1, veg bakes 80p, a quick look at the end of aisle displays, and the radar is buzzing. Felix have a new line in cat food pouches called marinades, introductory offer £2.02 a box of 12, and my cats like it, I must get stocked up before the price increases. I'm looking forward to my day off tomorrow.