Sunday, 1 February 2009

De-cluttering = Liberation

Nothing pressing to do today, can't be bothered to do any household chores except get rid of a mound of pots, no not thrown, but washed and put away. It's been snowing, so I got into some de-cluttering. It takes me ages to make a start on this, but I always feel a lot better when it's done. I think you reach a certain time in your life when you have got to stop accumulating stuff, and start getting rid of it. Trouble is, what do you keep and what do you dump?

I have started to be a bit brutal. Things that have no obvious use will go to the charity shop, that is mostly ornaments. So much easier to dust when there is nothing to dust around. I have decided that if I get rid of stuff I don't need, then it is out of my sight and out of my mind, and I will forget I ever had it. This has got to be better for the brain, less to think about, less to worry about, and less to keep shifting around.

Sorting through stuff that has a sentimental value can slow the job up, you start looking through photograph albums, and reading old letters, then putting them back in the drawer because you can't bring yourself to sever all ties with the past. It's understandable that personal memories can't be discarded, they are a record of your life, so you hang on to them. These should be the items that are passed on to the next generation.

De-cluttering can be a liberating experience, it lightens your load, gets rid of the dead wood, and makes way for new growth. We move on in life, we don't need to drag all our accumulated stuff with us. If you look to the bottom of the page you will see I have started a list. I will be adding free items I have been given, or have asked for, or have found. They will be usefull things that I can make something with. I want to reduce my buying stuff from shops, and hopefully reduce my impact on the planet. Eventually these things will be discarded, to be passed on to someone else who can use them, this is the natural cycle of life.
Daily spend - nothing


  1. I really struggle with getting rid of stuff, but you've inspired me to have another go. If I could give the stuff to people that I'm sure would use it no problem, but I hate the thought of it ending up on the tip.

    IT's easy to get rid of the useless stuff but if it's got a value but I just don't want it I feel I should put it to use. I think it's the way we are brought up, in the 50's and 60's we didn,t seem to throw anything away then.

    No point in keeping it if it,s no use to me or family and friends so I shall persevere.

    Thanks Meanqueen,


  2. Hello, I have followed your blog for years now and I often go back to one of your old posts. I have been sorting and decluttering. The photos did slow me down and made me feel a bit melancholy. While I stopped for a lunch break I decided to try to find a post where you wrote about this. Happy to say I found it. Just want to say that your blog is a gift to your readers. Thank you. Jackie in the USA


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.