Monday, 2 February 2009

Snow, teeth, and soya milk.

As I listened to the weather reports on the radio this morning I wondered if my B & Q work mates had been able to get to their new depot in Doncaster, after the heavy snowfalls overnight. If they had managed to get there it is not ideal for taking an articulated lorry out, the snow is quite deep in places.

I cleared my driveway to get my car out. I wouldn't normally bother to go anywhere when the weather is like this, but you can't miss a checkup at the dentist because you never know when you can get another appointment. Anyway, my lovely lady dentist said my teeth are fine, see you in nine months. I'm glad I look after me teeth.

A quick call into Tesco on the way past to collect my free tub of Lurpak butter using a voucher that came through the door. I wanted some So Good soya milk but it was too dear at £1.26 so I didn't bother. As I was also passing Morrisons I called in there as well to see if they had a bargain or two. Guess what, my soya milk is £1, so I had three cartons, a good job I checked it out. I also picked up a few reduced bargains as well.

College is cancelled tonight because of the snow so no late night shopping for me. I hope they don't cancel tomorrow night as well because I need to get my cheap reduced price veg, dairy, and bread, I'm running a bit low. Still there's always my store cupboard and freezer to fall back on, I could live off that for a month.
Daily spend - Tesco £1.40. Morrisons £13.10

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