Friday, 13 February 2009

I've found a Scrapstore !

I knew it was going to be my lucky day when I looked down on the ground and spotted a 1p coin. It was rather strange because a few seconds before I thought, wouldn't it be a bonus if I found some money, and there it was, just like magic. I was in town looking for a place my friend had told me about, a place called Scrapstore which had all sorts of unwanted recyclable rubbish collected from shops and factories. It is then used for craft projects.

I found it tucked away behind the Blind Centre, there was a board outside and a sign on the fence. I went in and thought I was in heaven. There was all kinds of usefull stuff, card and paper, plastic bottles, fabric, wallpaper, beads and jewellery, net, lace, fur, ribbon, and a million and one other things. I had a chat with a very nice lady called Lorraine, she told me they could do with some more volunteers, and I met Phil who also works there.

This is the sort of thing I would like to get involved with, because whatever can be used again means less going to landfill. Making something out of rubbish gives me a sense of achievement, I love the thought processes when confronted with something that no one what can I make out of this? If you want to find out if there is a Scrapstore in your area check out this site

I popped into the market while I was in town, and I'm pleased to say they have my cats favourite Felix food back in again, at £2.75 a box. It's £4.05 in the supermarkets so a good saving there. They also had some dog biscuits in for 50p, I got a couple of boxes for Ben. The pet shop in the market is always buzzing, they do a roaring trade.

A quick look in Aldi to check on prices, I park my car next to the store on waste ground, never pay for parking. The prices were the same as the big supermarkets, the only bargain I spotted was a big bag of potatoes for 69p.
Daily spend £17.50 - cat food, 69p - potatoes,
£1.45 - charity shop

1 comment:

  1. Scrapstore sounds a lot liek the play resource centre in Belfast. I used to love going there when I worked in the summer scheme but it has got a bit commercialised now - I preferred it when it was a big warehouse full of stuff down at the docks, now it's more shop than recyclables in the warehouse.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.