Friday, 20 February 2009

Tidying for England

Housework is not my first priority, in fact it's pretty low on my list of recreational activities, you could say it is rock bottom. Don't get me wrong, I keep things tidy, but I can't be forever dusting, polishing and hoovering, dysoning in my case. Who was it that said the dust doesn't get any worse after 10 years? Quentin Crisp I recall.

I reckon if I don't get the Dyson out, then it's not costing me any money, saving on electricity, and my machine lasts a lot longer than other people's because it doesn't get used, another saving. I apply the same logic to my washing machine, don't use it very often and it doesn't wear out. Makes sense to me, so I wait untill the dust is knee high then do something about it, like this morning.

The cats ran for cover as I dragged my four year old almost new Dyson upstairs and started moving furniture about. I gutted the bedroom, giving it a thorough going over with the suction machine, cleaned all the paw prints off the window sill, dusted and polished, and remade the bed. What is it about a freshly made bed that seems to beckon? Fluffed up duvet and pillows, the temptation to slide back in again almost overcame me, I fought against it and carried on cleaning down the stairs. Oh how I hate cleaning stairs.

After lunch I took myself off down town to the Scrapstore, I promised that I would help out when I had time. Phil was very pleased with the posters I had made for them. It was a bit quiet so I had a mooch around, getting to know where everything was kept.

I have to confess at this stage, that I have an obsessive compulsive disorder, I simply must tidy up. I don't know what causes it, if I see a mess I must tidy it. The fabric department looked pretty messy, difficult to see what was there, just a big jumble of material. I took it all off the shelves, folded each piece carefully, and placed it all back neatly. You can tell I used to work in a shop, can't you, everything on display so you can see exactly what you have got.

I organise my kitchen in the same way. Tins and packets stacked tidily in the cupboards, rotating and using it in date order, regularly going through everything to make sure it doesn't get pushed to the back and forotten. Continually checking the freezer, and having an, 'eat everything I have' blitz, four times a year before I go and buy some more. It's amazing how inventive your recipes become when you get down to the last tin of beans and last packet of pasta. It all adds to the challenge of frugal living.
Daily spend - £1.80 for 24 seed potatoes.
£3.99, bottle of red wine, my treat.


  1. You sound so wonderfully organised... I really must go through my cupboards they are so cluttery, but this lovely weather we are having is making me want to get out.
    What an exciting place to volunteer, I followed your link (on a previous post) to the Scrapstore and was glad to see we have one where I live, must pay them a visit.
    I'm glad to see you allow yourself treats, have
    a great weekend!!

  2. I know exactly what you mean about cleaning the stairs... I will hoover (no, sorry mine's a dyson too) I will dyson downstairs and then carry it upstairs to do the bedrooms and then ... carry it back downstairs and put it away saying "Oh I'll do the stairs next time".


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.