Monday, 6 April 2009

Free night out

I've just had a free night out and it was a lot of fun. A local womens country club asked me to go along to their meeting in the village hall, and show them the things I have made out of re cycled materials. I took the bags, some cards, beads, and pen holders, they were fascinated by them. I explained how I had made them, they thought the knitted bags were fantastic, and asked me to how to turn plastic bags into yarn. I think they want to have a try at making some themselves.

I went on to tell them about my simple lifestyle. Now some of these ladies could probably tell me a thing or two about frugality, but I'm sure they were a bit surprised at my extreme money saving ideas. There were roars of laughter when I confessed I use my urine as fertiliser on my compost heap, and no, I didn't go down the bottom of the garden and drop my drawers!

They were a bit unsure whether to believe me when I told them about my habit of using the same pan for cooking two or three meals, and the same dish for my bran flakes three days on the trot, to cut down on the washing up. They thought I was kidding.

I think some of the ladies actually saw the logic in what I was saying when I explained some of my less extreme ways of saving money, I noticed they nodded in agreement. My method of getting the message across is to lace it in humour, that way it sticks in the mind longer. As you've probably guessed, I don't take life too seriously at all.

I think if I get asked to do this again, I will take some jobs in progress with me, then I can show people how to make things out of rubbish for themselves. I also got free coffee and biscuits, and at the end of the night they gave me the biscuits they had left over, to take home. People just want to give me free stuff!
Daily spend - £19.24 diesel. 36p packet of mints
£4.50 second class stamps

1 comment:

  1. When I had a soap company I used to do talks to groups like this and they would pay me for doing it... not only did I get a night out with a lot of laughs but I got paid too! I am still doing a bit of that but now I ask them to donate the speakers fee to a charity. :-) perhaps you could turn your speaking skills into a little pocket money earner!


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