Sunday, 12 April 2009

Quietly pottering

It's lovely and quiet outside, that's why I am at home, because most of my neighbours have gone off down the motorway, to sit in a traffic jam, on their way to goodness knows where. I much prefer staying at home on bank holidays, can't stand queues of any sort. I like going out during the week when everyone else is at work.

It's a pottering day today, there are jobs to do in the garden, if I don't get a move on and sow some seeds, there will be no food on the table this summer. I've made a start.

There's peas, broad beans, runner beans, courgettes, lettuce, cucumber, and tomatoes. The blue crates I picked out of the takeaway skip come in very handy for keeping the plastic drinks cups tidy. I have also got radishes, beetroot, carrots, and sprouts sown in the plastic storage boxes. The spuds are also planted in the raised beds now.

I shall be inspecting these closely every day, in anticipation of little green shoots poking their heads out of the compost. I will need to sow a few more seeds, but I will try not to go mad this year, yes, honestly. I don't think I really needed 88 tomato plants last year, perhaps I was a little OTT.

These are three fruit bushes I bought a year ago from the £1 shop, they are coming on well. At the moment they are in tubs, because I have a cat who sprays all the bushes, a pain I know, but I love him. I will make a designated fruit bush area and surround it with some protection, when I can figure out the best place to have it.

Ssshhhh, listen.....the silence is bliss.
Daily spend - nothing

1 comment:

  1. Doing some back reading. ☺️ We always stay home on vacations. We call them staycations. I so enjoy sleeping in my own bed, no alarm clocks and just playing in the vegetable garden and yard. When I want a break… I take it. Can’t beat it!!!


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