Saturday, 11 April 2009

A walk over the bridge

I'm not sure what the weather is going to do today, but I might as well take a chance and get my boots on and join the seven mile walk, starting at the Waters Edge Visitor Centre at Barton upon Humber. This walk is warden led and I'm pleased to find Sarah is to be our leader and she is busy organising the twenty or so people who have turned up. John is here again with his bare feet, I am amazed at how they stand up to tramping over rough terrain. When you think about it, it's a very frugal way to save money, no boots to buy and no socks to wear out, but I think I'll stick with my £4 car boot sale boots, thank you very much!

At the foot of the Humber Bridge we are met by a photographer from the local newspaper, we all gather in a group and say cheese for her:-) then we climb the steps to take the pedestrian and cyclists path over the bridge. Thankfully the rain is holding off and there is very little wind, but the slightly fuzzy overcast day doesn't make it easy to take a nice photograph.

It took eight years to build the bridge and traffic first crossed it on the 24th of June 1981, it has a life span of 120 years. We have a campaign in the area at the moment to try and abolish the tolls, because although it was meant to join North Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire, to encourage people to work and play on the other side, the toll charges often prohibit this. Some people have to cross regularly for hospital treatment which is hardly fair, especially if they have a lengthy stay and relatives have to travel to visit. For more info on the Humber Bridge here is the link.

On the north bank we explored the country park, this is the roots of a tree which were growing over the edge of the rock face. We stopped for a pub lunch, well lets just say everyone else had lunch inside, I opted to eat my sandwich and banana outside, with another frugal couple, on the bench. I did however venture inside to have a drink, I didn't want everyone to think I was anti social, but shock horror, £2.25 for a bottle of J2O and a packet of crisps.

When we got back I had a look around the craft fair which was on at the centre, mainly to pick up some ideas. The goods on offer were very pretty and imaginative, but a bit pricey. I chatted to a lady who was selling her top noch face creams and lip balms, she was horrified when I said I use aqueous cream at £1.45 a tub. Then she lost interest when she realised there wasn't going to be a sale forthcoming.
Daily Spend - £2.25 lunch
£14.48 Tesco. £1.25 eggs


  1. Do please tell - where do you find aqueous cream for £1.45? I thought I was doing well when I bought one in Sainsbugs at £2.50 for 500g recently. I use it everyday and have done for years. Wonderful stuff!

  2. I should get out of London this summer and explore the countryside. These walks sound like fun, believe it or not! :)

  3. I used to make and sell natural cosmetics (and soap) and I was always interested in what people used on their skin, whether they bought from me or not, its so rude to only care if you are going to get a sale or not... and although aqueous cream is cheap... there's too many synthetic chemicals in it for me, I use sunflower or olive oil made into a very simple water based cream. Not too expensive.

  4. Hi Jo, I got it from a shop called Savers, they have a web site for information on where their stores are located.
    The cream is made by Pinewood Healthcare of Clonmel, Ireland. 500g

    Photo Freak, you must get out of London and explore the countryside, for the sake of your sanity. Life is a lovely dream in the sticks.

    Billie Jane, I keep thinking I must use olive oil on my body, might give it a try now it is warm enough to take my clothes off:-)

  5. Thanks Meanqueen for the information about Savers.

    Billie Jane - how do you make this, please? "a sunflower or olive oil made into a very simple water based cream. Not too expensive." Is it difficult or complicated to do this in the kitchen?

  6. Meanqueen: Thanks. I've checked up on how close my nearest Savers is and the answer is "not very". The nearest one is about 3 miles away and a 6 mile round trip at 24p per mile for petrol is not going to save me much but I shall remember where it is, just in case I have to go to that area. I notice that there is a branch in Evesham and I will be going to stay with a friend there in the summer. Hopefully I can stock up then.

    Billie Jane: I hope you don't mind but I have pm'ed you with a question.

  7. I happened to be passing Morrisons today and we called in. I think that is the third time I've in Morrisons in my life. They had a pharmacy so I bought some aqueous cream at £1.95. Still not up to Ilona's standard - but I'm improving.


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