Wednesday, 15 April 2009

A proper haircut

I had a job interview today, felt quite apprehensive about it, don't know why because I am normally an outgoing person. Maybe it was because my last job interview was five years ago, and that was only a formality as I had already been told the job was mine. My interview previous to that was eight years ago, so I guess I'm out of practice.

I sat in a small office with two ladies, it wasn't like a proper interview, more like an informal chat. They didn't give me a grilling, just told me a bit about what would be expected of me, and asked me a few questions.

They asked me if I had any previous experience in this type of work (catering) and I delved into the depths of my memory to recall my job of working in a cafeteria on Blackpool Promenade in 1967. I also mentioned my abysmal attempt at running my own catering trailer parked on an industrial estate, explaining how had to give it up because of the early morning starts and the smell of fried food made me feel sick. I await their decision.

Walking down the High Street I saw there was no one waiting for a haircut in the Barber Shop, so on a whim, I went in and had a trim. It has been a few weeks since I last gave myself a DIY haircut, so I thought it was about time I had a proper job done. I was asked to sit in the chair and the hairdresser asked me how I would like it, as we got chatting I discovered that she was the owner of the salon. I was dead chuffed, you can't do better than having the boss cut your hair can you, that was a bonus!

We had a great conversation, she was a similar age to myself, and it was quite entertaining. The hairdresser at the next chair also joined in, as did her customer who was getting her hair blowed dried. It goes against the grain a bit for me to go into a salon and pay to have my haircut, but on this occasion I think it was well worth the seven pounds, to pass a pleasant half hour with such nice people. I might pop in and see Betty and her daughter Jackie again, when I am passing.
Daily spend - £7 haircut. £2.61 Aldi


  1. It is important to pamper oneself every now and again. What will you do if you get the job? I mean you sounded as if you really didnt want it! :-) Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

  2. You will feel much better for a bit of pampering every now and then! I haven't had a haircut for 7 months now, just trimming my own fringe but come Saturday I am going to treat myself to a haircut - can't wait!


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