Friday, 15 May 2009

A great party

Up early today. Ben, my friends dog has been with me overnight, so a quick walk before I took him back home. Well, I say quick, I can't seem to do anything quick, I'm such a gas bag that I chat to all and sundry that cross my path.

Next I am scooting around Tesco with my little shopping list for the last minute bread and salad for my party tonight, again gassing with everyone, I am so chirpy, getting in the party mood. As I turned the corner into my street, my best friend Carol is sitting outside the house in her car, having arrived five minutes before, good timing.

Some catching up to do with the gossip, then we went round to the club to decorate the party room. Luckily I have been given all the banners and glittery bits by two friends who have also turned sixty in the last couple of months, when I have finished with it I shall pass it on to someone else. Room done, we were invited for a drink in the bar with Mad Mick, can't get plastered yet, we've got all the food to prepare.

The next three hours were spent in my kitchen up to our eyeballs in bread, salad, nibbles, assembling it all into some kind of respectable buffet, with the help of a glass or two of Chardonnay. Of course I tried to make it as frugal as I could, margarine tubs came in handy for the reduced price crisps :-) We delivered the food to the club and then came home to change.

Mandy the DJ was great, I had asked for all sixties music and that is what she played. Everyone was given a free raffle ticket and I donated some stock I had left over from a closed business, so that was a bit of fun. Tina Turner, aka Carol, put in an appearance later, the wig, black tights, what a scream she was, Simply the Best will never be the same again. I had asked for no presents, because I have everything I need, and I hate to see people waste money on stuff to fill my drawers. Instead I said if anyone wanted to make a donation, I would give it to an animal charity. I chose Monkey World in Dorset, and Bransby Home for Horses near Lincoln. A quick count up at the end of the evening revealed £150, so £75 for each. It was a great party.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Ilona it sounds like a brilliant night! A great way to mark the beginning of a new era! Happy Birthday to you. x


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.